- I've been sick since last Wednesday. Upper Respiratory with horrible cough. Haven't been to doctor because cough is productive and doesn't keep me up at night
- Had my last class on my quilt. I lacked having 48 squares done, so I didn't have to arrange my blocks, but it actually turned out better for me. I had a great time.
- Voted
- Pants fell down in quilt class, fortunately I was standing behind everyone and no one saw. Can't figure that out. New pants, smaller size. Haven't lost any weight.
- House is really dirty. Cobwebs on the ceiling. Thread and scraps of material every where. Dust on lamp shades. Too much quilting, not enough cleaning.
- I had to really hold back at the quilt shop today. They had so many new green fabrics. It was heaven to my eyes. Oh to be rich enough to buy all those beautiful fabrics and to have maids so that you could spend all day quilting. (I've been designing the perfect quilting room in my head, lots of sunlight.)
- Bought my flower seeds tonight. I can't wait to scatter them around into the garden. I grow mostly zinnias because they are hardy and the butterflies love them.
- Looking forward to spring.
- Looking forward to some novels that will be published in April.
- I have been thinking about how blessed I am with the people in my life. I have some of the best friends a person can have.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
What's Happening (a list)
Monday, February 25, 2008
That Warm Feeling
I just finished "The New Year's Quilt" by Jennifer Chiaverini. She is such a great storyteller. Her Elm Creek Quilts novels are very entertaining and full of quilt lore and history.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Fabrics 7 and 8 Have Bloomed
I have been sick and unable to work on it as much as I had hoped. I did manage to get Fabrics 7 and 8 done and I'm cutting Fabric 9. I figure if I can get 9 and 10 done tomorrow, then I could work on 11 on Monday night and 12 on Tues. and Wed. Then all I will need to do is count my squares again and go to class. YOW, I hope I can get that done.
The layout is getting to big for the floor or my design wall, and I cannot get a good picture of how it is blooming out right now. I am a little frustrated by that because I enjoy watching the way each Fabric changes the look and feel of the quilt.
The instructor for this class said there were two important things to making this quilt. Organization and understanding the cutting chart. I have something to add to that list ... have lots of bobbins full ahead of time. I had six bobbins ready to go when I started. I have already used all of those and six more. I'm not going to start another Fabric until I have wound at least 8 more bobbins.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
So Long Thaggy, You Will be Missed
We don't know how long he has been dead. It is hibernating time and the tortoises are not very active right now.
The burial will be tomorrow.
I hate it when we lose one of the turtles. It seems to throw off the balance of the house.
So long Thaggy, we will miss you.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Finally - On February 17, 2008 - I Finished a Book
There have been a lot of books by my bedside since Christmas, and I have read at least a paragraph in each of them, but I just could not find anything that fit my mood. I think they were all too depressing.
I have been really stressed about not reading. I usually read at least one book a week, along with magazines, and the newspaper. But since the beginning of the year I have been in a non-reading mood. I cannot remember the last time I read anything but the comics in the newspaper. My magazines are about 2 months behind, and the books are just piled up on my bedside table. Nothing has grabbed my interest.
I'm hoping that this last batch of books I checked out of the library will be just the jump start I need to get back to reading. If not, then the next time I fill out a survey, I guess I will have to take reading off as one of my favorite hobbies.
Monday, February 11, 2008
It is All so Horribly Sad
My mom and Raymond loved each other. He used to tell her that he didn’t know what a real mother was until he met her. I remember him asking me to make arrangements for her to come to the house so he could say goodbye to her. He told her how much he loved her and thanked her for all she had done for him and us. She totally collapsed the day we went up to tell her he had died.
They were so close that I used to get mad because she always took his side in any disagreement. Now she can’t remember him.
With her losing her memories of Raymond, I have lost the one person that remembered my entire life with Raymond. I have no one to laugh with over things that happened during our years together. She was my one big connection to all those years.
It is all so horribly sad.
I Do Not Know How to Teach "Man Up"
That is what I felt like saying to my oldest this weekend. We were working on a task and he was performing the task, but he seemed to be complaining more than I wanted to hear. I had to stop myself from screaming “Man Up, your father never complained.”
The EWWW Factor
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Backing it All (More Quilt Talk)
This fabric pulls everything together for my Blooming Nine Patch.
(Hum a drum roll now.)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Fabric #6 Brought in a Different Look to the Quilt
I really enjoy watching it "bloom," so I decided to start with the middle and just go out as much as I could on my design wall. It isn't as pretty this way, but at least I can keep up with the changes.
The picture on the bottom left shows Fabric #6 in a close up with the Fabric 5&6 Nine Patch.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Random Brain Questions and Facts of the Day
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Something Different for Me
I have completed the homework. Earlier this week a friend called and asked me to do something for her that would have taken me a couple of days to do. My friend had time to do this something, she signed up to do this something, and she was physically capable of doing this something, she just didn't want to do it. When she called me, my first instinct was to say "Okay, I'll take care of it," but when I started to answer her I had a flash of irritation. I really did not have time to take care of the matter, it wasn't something I would not have signed up to do, and I would have had to have my boys help me because I in the middle of a fibro flare up. So I said "No."
I could tell she was surprised. She actually let out a little gasp. I gave her some suggestions on how to handle the something in a way that would be a little more efficient than how she was going to handle it and then I hung up.
What surprised me was that I did not feel guilty. In the past I might have called back and said that I had checked my calendar and I could do the something, but not this time. I was so proud of myself. Even if I never turn a friend down again, I know that this was the time to say "no."
Saturday, February 2, 2008
My Quilt it is a Blooming
I am four colors out on my Blooming Nine Patch Quilt. It is very exciting to watch it start to bloom.
I really like the colors I have picked for the quilt. I have them in order in this picture, going from left to right.
(Click on the pictures to get a better look at the fabrics and the quilt.)
I probably could have put in more green, but I think there is enough green n these 12 fabrics to make this quilt a nice addition to my bedroom.
I was really worried about the middle being too pink, but I think it will be okay in the end.
I have the first four fabrics laid out on the floor to get an idea of how the quilt top will look once it is completed.
I wasn't able to get a very good picture , but here is what I have so far: