Yesterday, Thanksgiving, was a very laid back day. We purchased a new board game for the weekend called 24/7 and we played it over and over again. I like it because I have to think, but not too hard, and it is does not take very long so we can play it several times over the course of the day. The oldest wanted meatloaf for Thanksgiving so we made one late in the afternoon and then all had dinner together. I love it when we go around saying what we are thankful for, the oldest was quite sincere in his blessings, the youngest ... not so much. We watched "The Big Lebowski" and played more games. Then late, late night television because we were just napping before getting up at 4:00 A.M. to hit EntertainMart for 50% off boxed sets, etc.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Enjoying My Boys
Yesterday, Thanksgiving, was a very laid back day. We purchased a new board game for the weekend called 24/7 and we played it over and over again. I like it because I have to think, but not too hard, and it is does not take very long so we can play it several times over the course of the day. The oldest wanted meatloaf for Thanksgiving so we made one late in the afternoon and then all had dinner together. I love it when we go around saying what we are thankful for, the oldest was quite sincere in his blessings, the youngest ... not so much. We watched "The Big Lebowski" and played more games. Then late, late night television because we were just napping before getting up at 4:00 A.M. to hit EntertainMart for 50% off boxed sets, etc.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Itzel Family is Coming!

I am not one that attends a lot of events at church being that I am so set in my ways, and the fact that I spend my entire day there so it is hard to go back for other events, but this is not one I will miss.
If you would like to hear a sample of their music you can go to
I know this is a busy time of year for everyone, but taking the time out to hear the Itzel Family is worth it. This concert is free to the public, but a love offering for the Itzel Family will be collected.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pirate Radio
We had a family day Saturday and went to see "Pirate Radio" and loved it. What fun. I was dancing in my seat.
I have probably seen more movies in the theater this year than I have in the last 20.
Monday, November 9, 2009
A Nice Family Weekend
I enjoyed my weekend.
Friday I picked up the youngest from school and then we met the oldest for dinner. We made a quick trip to the bookstore and then it was home to watch "The Wrath of Khan" and play games.
Saturday we went to an arts and crafts fair where the oldest and I both won door prizes and we made a few purchases. After taking our purchases home we stopped to feed Sis' dog and then to Mimi's for lunch.
Saturday evening everyone went off on their own. The oldest to see his girlfriend, the youngest to see a play and spend the night with friends, and my BFF came over for a night of yakking, and quilting.
Sunday I went to church and then picked up the youngest. The oldest came home and we went to see "The Men Who Stare at Goats." We all loved the movie. Napping followed the movie and then it was time to take the youngest back. The oldest went with us and after dropping the youngest off at his dorm we picked up the oldest's girlfriend and went to dinner at a chinese restaurant.
It was nice to for us all to be together for most of the weekend.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
November in Texas
Monday, November 2, 2009
If You Visit, Leave the Lid Up
I don't have the type of pets that drink out of the toilet, so I never put the lid of the toilet down.
I also have a horrible tendency to wait until the very last minute to go across the length of the house to use the bathroom since I only like my bathroom, so by the time I arrive it is usually a very urgent matter.
My BFF has the type of pets that like to drink out of the toilet and she always puts the lid down on the toilet, even at my house.
My BFF and her hubby have had some stresses in their life lately, so I invited them to dinner tonight to pamper them. Her hubby could not get away, but BFF came over and we had a nice dinner and an even nicer visit.
Now BFF used my bathroom earlier in the evening and then I used it and was pleased to see that she had been listening to my griping and had left the lid up. She then used my bathroom before she went home, only I did not go back in there.
About 3 hours after she left and 4 glasses of iced tea, I needed to make a trip to my bathroom. Unfortunately, I had been on and off the phone, and taking care of some business so by the time I decided to actually take the trip across the house it was quite urgent. In fact, I was running by the time I go to the hallway. Now I have a very bad habit of not using lights in the house when I am alone, but something flicked in my mind as I was running into the bathroom and I thought to hit the switch. Thank goodness I did. The lid was down!!! I got it up in time but barely.
I am not used to that at all. Raymond was trained and my boys are trained that if you use my bathroom, you do not leave the seat up, or the lid down.
I think BFF is going to be banned from my bathroom and assigned to use the youngest's, because one of these days there is going to be an accident and I do not think BFF is going to drive over to clean it up. Love you girl, but you have to use the little bathroom now.