Friday, October 16, 2009

It is Just Common Courtesy

I was raised to be courteous to others, and I would say that I am 97% of the time in the outside world, but probably only about 55% of the time in my home, but I live by myself so what does it matter.

Evidently, the woman at Target Wed. night was never introduced to the idea of courtesy.

All I wanted to do was look at the candles that were on sale. There was one shelving unit of candles on sale and the rest of the aisle of candles were regular price. A woman not much younger than I am was looking at the non-sale candles, but she had placed her cart in front of the sale candles. I said "excuse me" and reached over her cart to pick up a sale candle. Now if someone has to reach over my cart for an item, I immediately move my cart and say "I'm sorry." This woman just gave me a nasty look.

I decided to take a stroll through the store with the hope that the woman would be gone and I could look at the candles before I got busy and forgot them. When I went back about five minutes later she was still there, with her cart in front of the sale candles. I was running out of time so I reached over again while saying "Pardon me." Nothing but a nasty look. I know it was her cart because she had her purse in it and had already placed some candles in the cart.

Now I really wanted to grab her cart and move it out of the way, but I chose to walk around some more since I was waiting on a prescription and still had time. Ten minutes later, the woman was still there, and I was getting irritated. I decided to stroll up and down the candle aisle. She looked up at me and went back to looking at the candles. I gave up.

I went ahead and made my purchases in the pharmacy and then as I was leaving I saw her in a different aisle and I went over to check on the candles. I didn't find a candle like I was looking for, which just irritated me more because if she had just moved her cart a little I would have known that at the beginning of the shopping trip and spent my time trying to figure out something I could use instead of a candle for my project.

I cannot imagine not moving my cart for someone. Sure sometimes my boys have to tell me I am in the way because maybe I am reading a label and the person hasn't said anything to me, but I usually always notice and if I am going to be looking at several items in one area I try to put my cart in a position where it does not block anyone. (Never leave your purse in the cart.) It is just common courtesy.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

You go Mama C. The girl was rude. She AND her mom should be taken out back of the woodshed and taught some manners with a switch.