Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm a Cover Girl

I often choose a book by its cover. I'll be walking through the library or Half Price Books and a book cover will catch my eye and I will stop and look at the description and into the cart it goes.  On weeks when Raymond was too weak to go to the library, I would go to the library and pick all his books by covers that I thought he would like.  I found him some great reads.  He really enjoyed "The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil" (see Raymond's review)

Recently I was walking through Half Price waiting to hear what amount they were going to give me on the van full of books I turned in for them to purchase and a cover caught my eye. There was a quilt on the cover of the book.  I picked it up, checked out the back and decided to purchase it.  The book is called "Annie's Second Wind" What a gem of a book!  Full of quirky characters, and emotions. I was also pleasantly surprised to find out that it was signed by the author.  I love what he wrote: "Never follow the recipe always follow your heart."

1 comment:

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