Friday, September 3, 2010

Just About Wet Myself

Sitting home, alone, doing laundry, paying  bills, etc. when I decided to check Mina's blog. I typed in a comment and could not get the CAPTCHA to work so I was getting frustrated and decided to hit the little handicapped button on the side to see if that would  help.  Nothing happened so I decided to skip it and go back to it later.  I left the site up like I had it and moved on to something else.

It wasn't  long before I heard bells and this really weird  chanting sound  and numbers being called out.  Now being me, I had already forgotten all about trying out that handicapped button.  I thought I was being invaded by aliens!!!

It was a minute  so before I figured  out where the sounds were coming from.  Didn't help post my comment at all.  Have no idea what I was supposed to do with what was being broadcast.  I do know that I am really glad  I had been to the bathroom.  My heart is just now slowing down.

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