Monday, April 25, 2011

Thank Goodness, I Really Thought I Was Losing It!

I do most of my banking online. 

If you give me a check, well, it may be weeks, sometimes months before I go into the bank to deposit it.  Also, I haven't used an ATM card since about 2002, when I was in Houston.  

I am also a fanatic about checking my accounts.  I check them every other day, and most of the time, every day. 

That being said, this has not been a good week for me and online banking.

First, I pulled up my account the one night last week to make sure a transfer had taken place to cover some bills, and my account balance was 0.00.  Now I knew that I was cutting it close with the account, but I still figured I had about $150.00.   It was very upsetting, but I decided to go to bed and check on it first thing in the morning.  When I got up in the morning, everything was normal.  Account was fine, bills had been covered, back to normal.  Good deal.

This weekend I pulled up my account to pay a bill and nothing looked right. It seemed since it was a regularly scheduled payment, I could not go in and send in an extra amount I had missed during a cycle.  I thought OK, I'll send in a check.  

I came home from work today to find some bills in my mailbox and decided to schedule their payment immediately, since I didn't want to clutter the table.  Pulled up the account, went into pay the bills, and nothing looked right.  I was totally confused. I tried several different ways to pay, but no matter what there was no place for me to put the amount in I wanted to pay.  It was very frustrating.  

I logged out and went into a different bank account, that one was fine, I could have paid a bill from it, if I had any money in that account.  I decided I must be losing my mind and having signs of early Alzheimer's.  (When both of your parents had ALZ, those thoughts hit you whenever you can't do something you do all the time.)

I decided to go back into my bank account and think about why I couldn't pay my bills.  No, everything looked just right except I couldn't remember where to put in the amount I was supposed to pay.  I tried several times again, but nothing worked, and I could not figure out what was wrong.  By this time, I am tired, hungry, and ready to cry.  NOTHING on the online bill pay site looked right to me.  

I walked away and came back.  No, still nothing is standing out to me as to what could be wrong. I go back to other websites, they are all displaying correctly.  WHAT IS IT?

I decided to go back to the main page, hit ctrl- several times and go back in.  Hallelujah!  There is what is missing, a whole column where I would normally put in the amount.  For some reason only that website was way too enlarged on my television monitor.  Now it looks totally normal to me.  

Bills are now scheduled for payment and I have learned a lesson. As long as I am using the television as a monitor, I must try ctrl- before spending extra time trying to solve an issue.  

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