Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rose-Mary Rumbley Luncheon

Today was the annual UMW Luncheon and Speaker at work.  Rose-Mary Rumbley was the speaker, lunch was catered from Elke's Market Cafe.

I enjoy these annual events, and I knew today's would be good because I was going to be joined by my friends Laurie and  Melinda.

There were 58 women there today, many of them my friends.  As I took time to look around the room before the program started, I couldn't help but take pride in how many of the women there I consider to be my friend.  Then as I started to look at each friend and think about our friendship, I took pride in the fact that I have friends in their 20's all the way up to friends in their 90's. I LOVE THAT!

I am truly blessed to have all these friends. (Has nothing to do with wanting to live in Hermitville.)

I was also blessed to win a door prize today.  A ceramic fern vase in GREEN!!! It was obviously meant to be mine considering how well it goes in my house. Laurie won part of the centerpiece, a flowering cactus.
The only downfall on my part was Marcia's Mexican Wedding Cookies.  I never eat them because they are a food trigger for me, but I splurged today, and before the 2 hours were over, I had  8 of them.  That is why I never eat them when she brings them to church.  They are just too good!

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