Wednesday, January 9, 2008



I have been reviewing my 2007 accomplishments. I have to say it really wasn’t that bad of a year:

I finally started this blog, something I had wanted to do for at least 2 years.

I actually signed up and completed a quilting class.

I ended the year with a weight loss.

I handled several small crises without freaking out too much.

I got a lot of exercise.

I adjusted to having my mother live with me.

I started a job that seems to completely fit my needs for many reasons.

I picked myself up off the floor more times than I wish to confess and got through the day.

I made some new friends.

I was able to swallow some bitterness and reach out to someone that I really do not trust or care for in order to set an example. Whether the people I tried to set an example for took notice, I cannot say, but I took notice.

I got out of my chair.

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