Sunday, March 7, 2010

Today is the Day

Today is the day I start working on my taxes. 

There I put it in writing so I must do it.  This is the only week I have to work on them since I have company coming next week. 

It is the perfect day to begin because it is raining, the boys are not home, and I have had a very full weekend going out both Friday and Saturday nights and having craft day yesterday.  

I have already facilitated a class this morning, been to the store, and watched an episode of "Psych," so the only thing left to do is get started, or take a nap.  Hmmmm, a nap sounds nice since it is raining.  

I am sure I will manage a nap some time today, but no matter what, I will start on the taxes. 

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Well, that was a giant fail. The only thing I did was set up the table. Oh well. Evidently not feeling the pressure yet.