Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Know Who is Getting the Bad End of the Deal

The girls have been bugging me about getting a colonoscopy.  Something I am not too keen on doing, for more than just the obvious reasons, but I know it is necessary because my dad had colon cancer at one time.

Last night at dinner they brought it up again and it basically came down to a "What will it take for you to" deal.  

I picked my deal. The youngest has to get his driver's license without me being involved. Now the youngest was a little slow in catching on to what we were discussing exactly, but it wasn't long before he was saying "Wait!" He does not want his driver's license.  

The girls then asked him what "it would take" to get his license. I told him to ask for a case of "Cheddar Bunnies."  He said he thought  his brother should get to stay home from church tomorrow.  The youngest won't be in church because he is getting a refresher driving lesson.  

Now the girls are determined that the youngest get his license.  I am thinking that he won't be able to get it while he is on Spring Break, and my next doctor's appointment is coming up before he comes home for the summer, so I can probably put this off a while longer.  

Of course if I get scoped, BFF has to get scoped.  The girls think BFF and I should just make a party of the whole thing and do the prep together and go for scopes together. I don't know if that would work or not, but since BFF is older than I am, she should go first. 


Unknown said...

We are only making a big deal because we love you and want you around for a very long time (this applies to Auntie J too).

You threw out the challenge. What is funny is that Hu didn't realize that we were serious about what he wanted to make his part of the deal happen. Of course, he may still get something for being such a good sport about it.

It was sweet that he negotiates better for his brother than himself.

Loni said...

I think it's a Win-Win situation all the way around... I mean kiddo got his license & all of the kiddos united together in the effort. Ha got to stay home from church. Hu got to go driving with S. S got to pay back M for that dessert issue... and Mama gets to do an important health screening thing.. plus the Girls have also been bugging Auntie Jill too.

Catmom5 said...

Why do you insist in telling the world that I'm older than you? Gez!!!

You first. Beautiful before age.