Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Have Santa's Best Elf

I hate to shop! Internet shopping is the best thing that ever happened to me, but there are some  things that need to be taken care of personally. 

Fortunately, I have Santa's best Elf.  Loni!

It used to be Stan, Mina, and Loni, but the boys haven't wanted anything impossible to find the last couple of years.  It is just a matter of going to get the items. 

I have had so little sleep lately that even thinking about Christmas is enough to send me screaming through the house, but thanks to Loni and my oldest today, a lot of my little errands were completed.

I am so glad Santa lends out the elves.  


Loni said...

Happy to be of assistance.. Mama-hood has its perks and priveleges. Luv U!

Unknown said...

Sorry that the other elf was out of pocket; I dearly love to go shopping.