Friday, June 10, 2011

Panic in the My Brain

I am embarrassed to say how many check boxes I have lost in the last year.  I put them in "safe" places that are just too safe.

It happened again when I went to by the youngest's car.  I lost a particular checkbook that I have not written a check out of since my 50th birthday.  I know where I always hid it, but then when I went to that spot it was gone.  I kind of remember moving it, but not really.  A hunt began.

I was pretty excited when I found what I thought was the checkbook.  To be sure I called the bank. Turns out it was the old account and only had three cents in it.  I am so glad I called.  That could have been very bad, but it meant the real checkbook was still missing.

How did I solve the issue?  I ordered more checks.  

As I was sitting here this morning, I realized that I had seen the new checks come in the mail, but not where I had put them.  I had a moment of sheer panic, until I looked over and saw them on the footstool with all the other mail I need to file. 

I am now going to get up and put them where I told the family I was going to put them.  Surely one of us will remember if I ever need to write a check from there again.

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