Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Counting to 10 and Beyond

I came home from work today to find a long faced youngest sitting on the couch talking to Loni.  As I started for the mail, I noticed an empty envelope addressed to the youngest from his college.  As I reached for the envelope, he informed me he had bad news.  He did not get campus housing, he is on a wait list.

This information would not have angered me if the youngest had turned in his housing application when I told him to back at the first of the year, or when I told him the second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth time.  If he had even turned it in the seventh time I told him, he would probably have had housing, but no, he procrastinated long enough that it was iffy he would get his housing stipend, and now he does not have housing.  
In the grand scheme of things, this is not even close the worse thing that could happen, but still, it was not in the plan.  

I am hoping that he will be notified of housing before classes start, but I am not going to hold my breath.  

I am disappointed because he won't have an opportunity to really make friends with his fellow freshmen, and get involved (not that he would do a lot) on campus.  

He is not going to be very happy because I will be breathing down his shoulder making sure has his work done.

So much for his plan to only come home twice a month.  

At least the letter didn't tell him that he didn't graduate and he wasn't a candidate for college.  

1 comment:

Loni said...

I've got to say that I'm proud of you for containing the fury... I know that you are extremely furious..... and I know the young one is feeling badly about it as well, though he really should have just conceded defeat.