Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Technology It Is Nice, But Not if I Have to Do It

I truly have no real interest in technology.  I never learn all the features on my phones.  I don't care how my computer works, just that it does, and even though I have a lot of apps on my phone, I only use about three.  

I have gotten to the point that there are only about 15 blogs or websites I visit regularly.  I don't search the web except if I need a question answered, and I don't really keep up with the latest and greatest.  

For the last two days my phone has not downloaded emails, or let me browse, so I was anxious for my son to come tonight since we have the same phones.  Turns out that I had deactivated my data network. I am not sure how I did that.  I now know how to do that, and fix it when I do. 

My oldest also set me up with Spotfly which I am enjoying very much right now.  I am listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival.  I will never get to sleep!

He wanted to set me up with Google Chat because one of my friends asked him too, but I told him not to bother.  Facebook chat is good enough for me.  I chat when I am on there and then I turn everyone off.  I don't want people to be able to reach me too many ways.  

I am sure he will fix me up with more things over Spring Break.  He does that all the time, but then I forget to use them.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very glad to hear that Ha came over and that he was able to fix your phone.