Monday, February 8, 2010

Round Two

Not recovering from this infection.  Called the doctor today and he ordered up a round of a different type of antibiotic, and another decongestant plus drug. 

The new decongestant stuff is a liquid and it is NASTY! Hope I am cured soon.

I can live with the pain in the ear, but my head and ears are so stuffed up I cannot hear, especially on the phone.  I am glad I only had to answer the phone a couple of times at work today.  I am sure the few people that did call got tired of me asking them to repeat themselves.

At least I do not have a fever, and I am not contagious. 


Loni said...

I do not have a fever any more and am not contagious either. This first day back at work has been draining. BFF has the hacking cough/sinus thing now too and won't be at TOPS tonite. Rudi says it is Hawaii Foo, I say it is Airplane Foo

Deborah said...

So sorry to hear you are still sick. I hope the new Rxs help soon! Use the Neti pot, vaporizer, etc.

Unknown said...

Feel better, mama! After dosing up on meds and plenty of rest and fluids, I will be back at the office in the morning. I need to buy some Airborne before I leave on my next business trip; germy people.