A very peaceful, pleasant holiday so far.
Since I am still hindered some with my shoulder, Loni drove me to get the youngest on Wed. afternoon. Once back into town we met the oldest for dinner at Joe's Italian Bistro. After dinner we all came back to the house. Loni and I watched tv while the boys played games. It was so wonderful to have them back together in the house and hear them laughing together.
Thanksgiving Day we slept late and then got a slow start to the day. I had the youngest make the pie crust (from scratch) and the filling for the pumpkin pies, while the oldest made our from scratch BBQ buns. They did a great job, with little help from me. Once the bread was done, we sat down to turkey sandwiches, baked sweet potatoes, and pie. The turkey was smoked turkey breast from Dickey's BBQ and very moist and tasty.
We followed tradition and went around the table giving our blessings before eating. The oldest had his all planned out and he did a great job, but, Freudian slip or not, left out a big part of his life, which the youngest and I found interesting. After counting our blessings, the oldest asked to say Grace. It was probably different from the Grace being said at most tables. "Dear Lord, thank you for this food, which by the way smells wonderful. Forgive us for being dickheads most of the time. That is all because I want to eat now. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen."
After our sandwiches, it was time for me to keep my promise. I finally learned to play
Settlers of Catan
. I won, which perturbed both of the boys, because evidently everything I did led them to believe I couldn't possibly win. The game finished they went on to do their own thing, and I watched shows I had taped. Kyle came over later in the evening and we played Settlers of Catan again. I lost this time.
Friday, BFF and went to Texas Quiltworks for the Black Friday sale and then back home to work on our quilts. Mina came over later in the day and worked on the quilt she is making Loni. Mina said that she would like the fact that she worked on the quilt to be a surprise and not to tell Loni, which was fine with me. Jill and Mina left to finish their own personal errands before we all were to meet to see Kyle perform in "Nutcracker."
When Loni arrived later to go to the performance, I told that Mina came over to drop of some pudding for Jill, never mentioning that she had been here for a few hours quilting. However, when we all met up at the performance hall Mina wanted to know if Loni had seen her cat quilt. Loni thought she meant the one I was making her, and was confused. Mina then told her about how she had worked on her quilt for Loni that day. I walked over during the discussion and said "Well, so much for it being a secret." I held up my part of it though.
Jill ended up getting sick and missing the performance. The "Nutcracker" was very enjoyable, and we all got to hug Kyle in the lobby, much to my youngest's chagrin. On the way back home we stopped at Sonic so everyone could either get a meal or pick up a drink to go with another turkey sandwich. Then Loni and I played Split while the boys and the oldest's girlfriend played games.
Today was a day of sleeping late, helping the oldest make more bread, taking the youngest to see friends, and then quilting while Loni knitted.
It has been a wonderful holiday weekend. I wish I didn't have to see the boys leave for school again tomorrow. I like having them around.
Christmas should be very nice together because I will be off on vacation. Can't wait to be around the boys for a nice length of time.