Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Each Day is a Choice

I am working very hard on my daily choices this year.  

I am making food choices that are helping me lose weight.  I may not be losing huge amounts each week, but I am on a losing streak.  

There are choices I am making at work that seem to be easing my stress.

I tell my heart each day that it can heal and move on.  Some days my heart believes it, some days I just cry all day long, but that is okay as that too is part of healing.

Each day I make the choice to journal about what I am feeling.

Nothing can be done about what happened in the past.  I can make the choice to live in the present.  I cannot control the future. Each day I can make the choice to accept those statements.

I am looking forward to the day I don't have to work so hard to make these choices.

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