Saturday, March 10, 2012


I don't do well with strong smells, especially early in the morning.  They make me nauseous and my colon spasm, often resulting in a run to the bathroom.

This morning I had a 7:00 A.M. appointment to have my tires rotated and a brake light bulb replaced.  When I entered the tire store, the smell of tires and coffee hit me hard.  My colon immediately started its little dance, and I was worried.  As I checked in with sweet Danny at the desk, I was checking out where the bathrooms were in case I had to take off.  Fortunately, I was able to do some breathing exercises and find a seat where the smells were not too strong and calm my colon to a tolerable you can make it through level.  

All was going just fine until a male customer entered the waiting room and chose to sit next to me.  10 other chairs available and Mr. "I put the whole bottle of aftershave (cologne or whatever) on" chose to sit next to me.  One whiff and there came the spasms again.  

I did not want to be rude and get up and move, plus I was afraid to stand up until I was able to control the spasms again.  I chose a spot out in the work area and used it as my focal point and used breathing techniques I learned in Lamaze classes to calm my colon again.  (I never got to use the techniques in child birth, but they sure have come in handy with my colon.)  

Once I was under control again, I was able to shift in my seat until I could air that was fairly unpolluted and wait until the work was completed on my van.

I was so glad to get out in the fresh air again.  

Note to self, put bag with spare outfit back in van.

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