I was watching the men's synchronized diving in the Olympics this evening and had my youngest watch one of the dives. I told him that I never had to worry about him doing that sport because he would never wear a Speedo. After the dive we watched as the men jumped into a small hot tub like pool and I made some comment about wondering why they did that each time. Here is my youngest's answer:
"It is probably full of really cold water to shrink their balls back up so they can keep wearing the Speedo." Cracked me up.
I am pretty sure that is not the purpose, but it does make you wonder.
(I know they shower and hot tub after each dive to keep their muscles warm.)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Missing My Conversations
Due to Randy's life circumstances, I currently have no way to talk to him. I miss our conversations. They were always so full of laughter, even on bad days. I pray he is doing well. I know he is excited because he is going to play in a concert soon. I hope it is not miserably hot for them since it is an open air venue.
My conversations with him reminded me just how much I miss having a man to talk with once in a while.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
What a Sad and Puzzled Look
I got up this morning and immediately started organizing a quilt top I am going to put together. At 10:30 I woke up the youngest because was supposed to go to Magic draft today, and then I went back to what I was doing.
At 11:15 I reminded the youngest he needed to get ready to leave, and went back to my fabric. He came in at 11:30 and said he was out of the mood to go. Five minutes later he heard that army boy was up and wanted to head over, so youngest hit the shower.
When youngest came out of the shower I asked him for his opinion on some placement of my fabric and it was at this time I looked up and saw army boy out the window. He had such a sad and puzzled look on his face. I immediately knew what was wrong. Mama's doors were locked!
I had not been into the Man Cave, or outside this morning, so the two Man Cave doors were still deadbolted, and just as I looked up army boy was trying to get in the sliding door.
I don't think he has ever arrived here to find the doors locked. He always just walks in, like all the boys.
I felt really bad. The youngest opened the door and immediately apologized. I think he felt bad too.
I guess the boys never think about the fact that I lock the doors when I sleep.
One More Week
All the boys were here last night except my oldest.
The laughter was loud, and my heart was full.
It will come to an end very soon. Army boy heads to Korea after next week. Dancer boy is moving to Florida. I am so proud of both of them.
My the end of August my house will be empty again, and my heart will break a little.
No Hawk ~ What Does it Mean?
I have not seen a hawk since mid April when I started talking to Randy. I find it very unsettling.
The youngest has seen the hawk on the pool fence during the day when I am at work, so I know he is still around.
I haven't seen a hawk flying in any of the fields when I am driving, or on any of the poles where I usually see a hawk. I have been looking, because I noticed right away when I stopped seeing the hawk.
What does it mean? I discussed with my friend at lunch the other day. It could mean that I am finally doing what Raymond wanted and moving on. That theory makes me sad and happy at the same time. Happy that I am doing what Raymond wanted and not letting him down. Sad because I feel like I am losing a special connection.
I hope the hawk is not gone because he is disappointed in me. That worries me sometimes.
I miss seeing the hawk.
The youngest has seen the hawk on the pool fence during the day when I am at work, so I know he is still around.
I haven't seen a hawk flying in any of the fields when I am driving, or on any of the poles where I usually see a hawk. I have been looking, because I noticed right away when I stopped seeing the hawk.
What does it mean? I discussed with my friend at lunch the other day. It could mean that I am finally doing what Raymond wanted and moving on. That theory makes me sad and happy at the same time. Happy that I am doing what Raymond wanted and not letting him down. Sad because I feel like I am losing a special connection.
I hope the hawk is not gone because he is disappointed in me. That worries me sometimes.
I miss seeing the hawk.
Taking Care of Myself
I am not good about taking care of myself, but with the tightness in my chest today and the bronchial cough, I decided to spend the day quilting and watching movies with eye candy in them. I told the youngest he had the day off once he took out the garbage, moved my salt lamp into the living room and filled the fountain.
I settled into the couch with the foyer table runner I am hand quilting project, Netflix and Amazon Instant Videos. I decided to watch: The Wedding Planner, Evening Star, and Failure to Launch. My favorite eye candy was Bradley Cooper. He has the prettiest eyes. I had some good laughs, some tears, and best of all I was not stressed.
Tonight I watched The Long, Long Trailer with Loni and Sarah.
Tomorrow will probably be another day of quilting, movies and rest. I think next week will be just as stressful as last week and I want to be ready to go.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Beautiful Song
I think this is a beautiful song.
Standing in the Doorway ~ Bob Dylan ~ Time Out of Mind
In fact, there is not a bad song on this album, oh yeah, it's Dylan, duh!
Standing in the Doorway ~ Bob Dylan ~ Time Out of Mind
In fact, there is not a bad song on this album, oh yeah, it's Dylan, duh!
I’m walking through the summer nights
Jukebox playing low
Yesterday everything was going too fast
Today, it’s moving too slow
I got no place left to turn
I got nothing left to burn
Don’t know if I saw you, if I would kiss you or kill you
It probably wouldn’t matter to you anyhow
You left me standing in the doorway, crying
I got nothing to go back to now
The light in this place is so bad
Making me sick in the head
All the laughter is just making me sad
The stars have turned cherry red
I’m strumming on my gay guitar
Smoking a cheap cigar
The ghost of our old love has not gone away
Don’t look like it will anytime soon
You left me standing in the doorway crying
Under the midnight moon
Maybe they’ll get me and maybe they won’t
But not tonight and it won’t be here
There are things I could say but I don’t
I know the mercy of God must be near
I’ve been riding the midnight train
Got ice water in my veins
I would be crazy if I took you back
It would go up against every rule
You left me standing in the doorway, crying
Suffering like a fool
When the last rays of daylight go down
Buddy, you’ll roll no more
I can hear the church bells ringing in the yard
I wonder who they’re ringing for
I know I can’t win
But my heart just won’t give in
Last night I danced with a stranger
But she just reminded me you were the one
You left me standing in the doorway crying
In the dark land of the sun
I’ll eat when I’m hungry, drink when I’m dry
And live my life on the square
And even if the flesh falls off of my face
I know someone will be there to care
It always means so much
Even the softest touch
I see nothing to be gained by any explanation
There are no words that need to be said
You left me standing in the doorway crying
Blues wrapped around my head
Copyright © 1997 by Special Rider Music
Don't Let it Be
I woke up with a barking cough this morning. I am hoping it was the way I was laying in the bed and not a bronchial attack.
Every time I am under too much stress, my lungs become weak and I get bronchitis. When Raymond first got sick, I thought I would never get well. Fortunately, the wonderful doctor we had at that time understood and if I just called in and coughed at the nurse he would call in all my prescriptions. Unfortunately, he quit taking our insurance and we had to change doctors and she required a visit to prescribe for my bronchitis, certainly not convenient while in Houston. Raymond's doctor was good enough to listen to my lungs a few times and prescribe when it got to the point that I could barely talk and couldn't leave Raymond to go to a clinic.
Hopefully a very hot shower, extra naps, and some relaxation will get me through this time, and with any luck at all there are a few puffs left on my last inhaler to relieve the tightness I am feeling.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Heart and Soul Healed
I had a very long lunch today with a man of God and the Universe. He is a long time friend, my Pastor forever, and was my boss. Just being in the same room with him brings me peace. I am so blessed that he considers me his friend too.
Another Chapter Ends
I can now talk about one of the reasons of my great sadness the last few weeks. The Board of the preschool where I work voted to close the school Wednesday afternoon. I am saddened beyond words. My heart hurts for those children we served and their families.
I love those children. They were a big part of my working life and it is hard enough to get through the summer months without their smiles, laughter, and hugs, but to know I won't see them again has kept tears running down my face every day at work.
My office is full of the drawings they made for me, with my name misspelled in so many ways. My mind is full of wonderful memories of all their cuteness.
I cannot believe this chapter in my life is over.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
What Keeps a Mama Happy?
Jenga in the Man Cave on a Thursday Night.
Army Boy keeps his hand steady. |
The youngest holds his breath as he adds another block. |
WooHoo! |
What a Great Minister of Music!
This guy is great. I will never be able to listen to this hymn again without giggling.
Ah, this is soothing to my soul.
Murmurations: Another mystery of nature: No one knows why they do it. Yet each fall, thousands of starlings dance in the twilight above England and Scotland. The birds gather in shape-shifting flocks called murmurations, having migrated in the millions from Russia and Scandinavia to escape winter’s frigid bite. Scientists aren’t surehow they do it, either. The starlings' murmurations are manifestations of swarm intelligence, which in different contexts is practiced by schools of fish, swarms of bees and colonies of ants.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Facebook Comes Through
I have been so sad lately. Lots of reasons to be sad, but I usually can come through it okay, but I am not shaking this one. It is not that I am depressed, I am just sad.
I knew yesterday that today would be a very bad day, and would add to my sadness. I was struggling trying to get through my morning and decided that I needed to listen to John Prine on Spotify while I worked. I also decided to post about it on Facebook because a Facebook friend and I have a running thing going about John Prine.
A few minutes later my phone pinged a text message. The message was from a very dear friend who is always in my heart and keeps up with my Facebook page. He asked me "You OK?" I answered him that I was very sad, but not allowed to discuss why. I also told him I was deeply touched by his concern. A few texts back and forth and we are having lunch on Friday.
Now I know I he can't cure my sadness, but he can heal a lot of my wounds. I can't wait to see him. Facebook really came through for me on this one.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
It Wont' Be Long
It won't be long and all my boys will be gone. They are all men now, and what wonderful men they have become.
My oldest is working, going to graduate school, and has a girl he says he will marry.
My youngest is on his way to 19, a junior in college, and pretty much does his own thing. He is living with me this summer, and hates to drive, so I get to spend lots of time with him, but he will be back on campus at the end of August.
My other boys, my sons' friends, some who have been a part of our lives for 17 years, are all graduates now, either from college or high school. One will be getting married next July. I love his fiancee, and they will soon have a house of their own and not hanging out here. The army boy is leaving for Korea for 2 years. The dancer is still finding his way, and I am hoping it is close by, but without the other boys here, I won't see that much of him. Several of the high school grads are leaving for colleges not close to home.
It is going to be a huge transition for me after this summer. No more long nights of giggles (yes they still giggle) coming from the Man Cave. No more hearing the door open and knowing there is someone here because they want to be here and not some where else. It makes me sad, but proud at the same time. We made it. All the boys made it to this place in their life, and they only have great futures to look forward to from here on out.
Music in My LIfe
Even though I can't sing, and the instruments I can play, I play badly, music has always been a huge part of most of my life. My brother was always in a symphony or a band and my parents did not believe in babysitters, so I was always around to hear him play as a child.
As a teenager, songs started to take on special meanings and associations, and still do today. There are some songs I cannot listen to without crying because of the association they bring to mind. Some songs just remind me of certain people in my life.
The Beatles' "Yesterday" was dedicated to me during art class in 8th grade as a goodbye song by David L because I was supposed to move to Kentucky over the summer. When our house was not completed in time and I went back to school in 9th grade, the song the played for me was "Guitar Man" when I finally moved at the end of the first semester. Cindy, my best friend, had a Bread song played for me because we spent endless hours listening to Bread while playing canasta and babysitting her sister.
I cannot hear "I Dreamed Last Night" by the Blue Jays/Moody Blues without thinking of Randy. It was our song. It is how he ended all his letters to me. We had a discussion about it when we first started talking again after 30 years.
Zac Brown's "Keep Me in Mind," "Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song" by B.J. Thomas, anything by Adele or Lady Antebellum all make me think of a really great friend and often make me cry.
"Jumping Jack Flash" takes me back to a wonderful summer night in Ohio when I was visiting with my old friends. It was the last time I saw one of them, as he died in a car crash before I could visit with him again.
The Band's "Last Waltz" and Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Freebird" take me back to Jan and the summer he and I dated. He was several years older than I was so dates did not mean a movie and a fast food place. Dates with Jan were picnics with foods different than I had ever tried, and trips to Lexington to go to nightclubs or nice restaurants. He took me to see "The Last Waltz," and "Freebird" was playing the night he left to go back to New York. He was not a great love in my life, but I appreciated our times together.
The list goes on and on, but there is one person in my life who I have never attached any one song or band to, and that is Raymond. Oh I hear a new song or band and wish he could hear it with me, but nothing that is just "us." We listened to music, but it was just background noise to our conversations. I still find it odd that I knew and dated him for four years, and we were married just shy of 24.5 years and there is not a special song. Of course, I will never forget the time that he walked to the mall from the tire store to get me a Robert Earl Keen cd he knew I wanted even though he was already having trouble walking due to the undiagnosed tumor in his pelvic bone.
When you get right down to the real music in my life it was Raymond. Everything he said to me was music in my ears, even when it wasn't nice, because not all songs are love songs. He made my heart sing every day, and I'll never forget that feeling.
I know I will never find another Raymond, but I won't settle on just any man to have a man either.
For Raymond:
Monday, July 23, 2012
A Wish for Every Child
I watched "The Help" again last night with a young friend
who has not yet read the book or seen the movie, As I watched Aibileen with Mae Mobley, I
wished every child in the world had someone to tell them "You is kind.
You is smart. You is important."
I remember telling a young man one day that I thought he was really smart. He looked at me and told me "no one has ever said that to me before." Made me want to weep.
I remember telling a young man one day that I thought he was really smart. He looked at me and told me "no one has ever said that to me before." Made me want to weep.
Great Weekend for Many Reasons
I had a very busy, productive quilting weekend, in addition to having a full house for two nights.
I spent Friday and Saturday sandwiching a quilt and a table runner for quilting. The quilt top had been pieced for over a year, and I had the panel for the table runner for almost a year.
Both the quilt and the table runner will be hand and machine quilted. I have made great progress on the hand quilting part of the table runner between last night and tonight.
The table runner is for my foyer.
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Center of Stonehenge panel for table runner |
In addition to the quilting, Loni and I took in the Huey Lewis and the News/Joe Cocker concert Friday night. The army boy in our lives is home for 2 weeks, which meant there were boys in the house Saturday and Sunday nights along with the lovely fiancee of one of the boys. I also went to lunch and to Quilt Country in Lewisville with a friend on Sunday afternoon.
Yes, a pretty great weekend. Still had some sad moments since it was class reunion weekend and pictures of old friends were popping up on FB, but I made it through those moments just fine.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Joe Cocker Concert ~ July 20, 2012
What can I say, it was Joe Cocker. The only thing that could have made it better is if Bob Dylan, and Van Morrison were on stage too, and I got to pick the songs.
Some of the songs from last night:
Hitchcock Railway
The Letter
You Can Leave Your Hat On
You Are So Beautiful
Unchain My Heart
She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
With a Little Help From My Friends
Cry Me a River
I wasn't crazy about his female singers, but his musicians were fantastic.
At 68 he isn't as twitchy as he used to be, but he does jump high and come down at the end of each song, must be hell on his knees. He also was drinking a lot from a water bottle during each song, which made me wonder how he kept from running to the bathroom at his age.
Concert Night ~ 1st Up ~ Huey Lewis and the News
I was so excited to find out Joe Cocker was coming to the Meyerson Symphony Center this summer. It has been years since I have gone to a concert that wasn't a free and outside, but I love Joe Cocker, and he is getting older, how many more chances could I get?
My only problem I had with the concert was that Huey Lewis and the News was also part of the night. Not one of my favorites when they were at the top of the charts, and certainly not my style now.
Despite Huey being part of the night, I decided to go.
Friday, July 20, was the big night. I decided to go with an open mind and give Huey a chance, but by the third song I was bored. Huey did provide me some entertainment with his moves. He seemed to have four of them: white boy dance, marching band, wiggle butt, and drop down to one knee and take on the Thinker pose. Huey must have been in the marching band in school based on his form during the marching move.
I did get tickled when he would turn his back to the audience and do this little wiggle butt, whether intentional or not. All I could think about was the movie "Music and Lyrics" and Hugh Grant's character.
I spent a good portion of the Huey part of the night twiddling my thumbs and people watching. I also made a trip to the bathroom, and talked to some other person wandering around. I enjoyed watching the people that really love Huey and were into it, and it was fun watching them dance.
Huey Lewis can blow a harmonica though and the song they did off their Soulsville cd (a tribute cd) was good. He also knows how to work his fans. All the musicians were very talented, it just isn't my style of music.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Frisco's Music in the Square
For the last couple of Friday nights I have been attending Frisco's Music in the Square. The concerts have been very pleasant and I have enjoyed myself tremendously.
One week I went to see Dave Walser and the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Bluegrass Band. Dave used to be part of Beatlegras. He put a new video of his new band on his Facebook page. They sounded great!
Last week I went to see Mark Wayne Glasmire. He had some good songs. Likes to talk a lot between songs, but he had enough good songs to make up for having to listen to him talk and overuse "ironically" and "literally." His current song on the country charts is:
I won't be able to attend the last two concerts, but I look forward to next year's series.
Last week I went to see Mark Wayne Glasmire. He had some good songs. Likes to talk a lot between songs, but he had enough good songs to make up for having to listen to him talk and overuse "ironically" and "literally." His current song on the country charts is:
I won't be able to attend the last two concerts, but I look forward to next year's series.
I'm So Excited!
I am going to see Joe Cocker tonight! I have loved his music forever.
I am not one to go to concerts, but as part of my "Finding Me" I realize that I need to take advantage of opportunities available to me. I saw the notice that Joe Cocker had a concert in Dallas, and I decided to go. After all I may never get this chance again.
The only downside is that Huey Lewis and the News is on the same venue. I was never crazy about their music, but that is okay. Their music doesn't make my ears bleed.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I Need a Cry, But I Might Not Stop
I have been struggling with sadness since early last night. I think the sadness is an accumulation of several things.
This coming weekend is my 35th high school reunion. I considered attending this reunion, but when I considered how few people I wanted to actually spend time with vs cost and time, I decided to sit this one out. After all I have had several conversations on Facebook with the ones I wanted to reconnect with and I am not sure what else we would have to cover in person. What is making me sad is remembering the ones that are no longer with us and how tragic some of their deaths were. Tributes to some of these classmates have been going up on our reunion page and to see their children grown along the grandchildren they never got to see has been a little overwhelming. Also, I had a phone call from an old classmate last night and as we discussed the reunion, it made me blue to think of how we all lost touch over the years.
I am also sad because a friend of 36 years told me about a horrible accident he had when he was 15. The accident included broken bones and a head injury. The head injury totally changed his life and he is just now beginning to deal with the repercussions of the after effects of the injuries. What makes me sad is how if he had received the proper follow up care from his head injuries his life could have been so much better. I also feel sad that he felt he had to keep his injuries secret from every one because he was ashamed of having such a hard time recovering from the head injury. So much of what he has gone through in life could have been avoided if he had the support he needed back then. I did not meet him until a couple of years after the accident, and had no clue he had been through so much back then.
As if I wasn't sad enough, I received pretty devastating news at work this afternoon.
I feel the need for a good cry, but I also have the feeling that if I start crying I might not stop.
Monday, July 16, 2012
I arrived at work to a firestorm today. Before I could even open the door to the building I was getting complaints about something an acquaintance wore this past weekend. Now I didn't get too excited about the complaints because it was just from a couple of people and some people have different views of appropriate clothing for different events, so I listened as I opened up the office, made the appropriates concerned sounds, and went about my day.
Within an hour I had five more complaints, several of them very graphic about what could only be described as "Nipplegate." Evidently this acquaintance wore a very sheer, low cut top without a bra, and her nipples were very prominent during the event in question. During the complaints I learned a lot about what type of bras are now available for different clothes and about nipple covers. One woman even said that if this person was going to continue wearing such clothes she would gladly make her some tassels so she could learn to make the tassels spin and she could at least entertain with those "things."
After hearing all the complaints, and explaining that I really wasn't in any position to do anything about this person's apparel, I made a phone call asking a friend I know to be totally impartial in the situation to call me when she had time. When she returned my call this afternoon, I asked her if the word "Nipplegate" meant anything to her. She immediately asked me if I was talking about our mutual acquaintance. I started laughing and asked her if it was as bad as I had heard. She confirmed that it was very bad, but she did agree that she didn't know what I could do about the situation.
I don't think this issue is going to go away anytime soon. I think I just need to pop some popcorn and sit back and wait for the nipple tassel show.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Partial Makeover
I have a friend who used to be a cosmetologist. She came to visit today and decided to give me a partial makeover.
She painted my fingernails a frosted minty green. (OK, I love green, but I am not sure I like it on my fingernails).
She braided my hair, which I find a miracle considering my hair is not very long.
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Braided Hair |
Despite what she considered to be a very limited supplies, since I really don't have a lot of makeup, she made up my eyes.
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Made up eyes |
Too bad I had no where to go. I do believe she will be coming over to make me up before the Joe Cocker concert as I am a complete disappointment to her when it comes to fixing myself up.
She really doesn't believe that I am fully capable of fixing myself up. I know that I just choose not to these days. The truth is I would rather sleep in a little in the morning than get up early enough to put on all the makeup I used to wear in the earlier days.
I Continue to Find Me
As I continue to try to find myself again this year, I know the universe is leading me some where, but I am not sure where yet.
During the first part of the trip to Alaska, I missed Randy horribly, enough so Loni had to talk me out of calling him several times at high dollar cost since there were few times I could get service on my cell phone. After all I had been talking to him every night since April 17, for hours and hours. There were many nights we talked 8 hours straight. However, in Anchorage, where I had cell service, I had a conversation with Randy where everything changed. I actually felt my brain click after he said something. It was a brain click I had felt before with him. Several times in fact, every time I broke up with him in the past.
I did treat this brain click different than I did in the past. I decided to think about it for a week instead of just diving right in and telling him that the answer was "there will be no relationship other than friendship." Of course he picked up pretty fast once I was home that there was something wrong. When the week was over and I finally told him, he was not surprised. He did surprise me though, by saying he wasn't giving up. It totally threw me and I told him so. I mean in the past he would just go away, and now he refused. He told me that he had grown up since the past and knew what he wanted now.
His refusal has not changed my mind, and he has been good enough to back off and we mainly text now and talk on the phone once in a while. It is nice to have him back in my life as a friend, but I know I have not made a mistake in deciding not to pursue this relationship as anything else.
The finding me in this experience has been the following:
- I don't want to get married again.
- I don't want to live with anyone.
- I would like to have a special man in my life that I could spend time with and talk to.
- I have not lost all my social skills in talking to a man.
Random Pictures from Alaska
Oldest and Loni after Cha Cha lessons |
My |
My oldest took pictures of funny signs |
My boys and I found this sign to be funny |
Dolphins playing next to ship |
Ballroom night in the Crow's Nest. A friend we met on the ship, Olivia needed a dance partner, my oldest was nice enough to oblige for most of the dances. He's such a good boy. |
Mina and Oldest after waltzing. |
Loni thanks the youngest for waltzing with her |
The youngest does know how to smile |
Fairbanks, Alaska
Our last stop was Fairbanks, Alaska. I wish we could have spent more time in Fairbanks than the few hours we had before leaving for the airport.
When we arrived at Sophie Station Suites there was a little delay in getting off the bus due to a fire in the laundry room. Once the fire department gave the all clear we were able to check in and go to dinner. I must say that Zach's Restaurant was one of the better restaurants we ate in while in Alaska. The food was excellent as was the service.
When we arrived at Sophie Station Suites there was a little delay in getting off the bus due to a fire in the laundry room. Once the fire department gave the all clear we were able to check in and go to dinner. I must say that Zach's Restaurant was one of the better restaurants we ate in while in Alaska. The food was excellent as was the service.
Denali National Park
We stayed at the McKinley Chalet Resort. Fortunately, we were able to find a place to eat that satisfied everyone, including the picky eaters, Prospectors Pizza and Alehouse.
We took an eight hour bus tundra tour through the park. Loni and I sat in the back of the bus, where we could cause trouble. During the tour we saw an artic squirrel, bears, dall sheep, caribou, a willow ptarmigan, and moose.
It was in Denali National Park that my favorite pictures of the trip were taken. My youngest, who like me does not like to have his picture taken, decided to pose the same way in all his pictures, so I had the family go along with it in Denali.
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Youngest, Mina, Oldest |
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Youngest, Loni, Oldest |
Dall Sheep in Denali National Park |
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Oldest and Youngest on nature trail behind chalet |
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Oldest napping while waiting for train for Fairbanks |
Oldest and Youngest waiting for train to Fairbanks |
McKinley Explorer Dome Train to Denali
We left Anchorage aboard the McKinley Explorer Dome Train to Denali National Park, an eight hour train ride. All I can say is I was really looking forward to riding the train, but after the first couple of hours all the mountains, trees and rivers start to look the same. Also, they keep the train cool so that the dome does not fog up and obstruct the view.
View from the train on the way to Denali |
View from McKinley Explorer on way to Denali |
View from train from Anchorage to Denali National Park |
It was a very long ride. Mina and Stan took a nap. |
Next Stop Anchorage
The next stop after the Mt. Alyeska hotel was Anchorage for the night before heading up to Denali National Park. After checking into the hotel, we walked around town for a while. I enjoyed the artist co-ops and looking around the different shops.
We had dinner at Glacier Brewhouse. This was definitely a restaurant where I should have insisted Loni and the youngest order from the children's menu. The youngest was not happy with the queso as it had ale in it (hint Brewhouse in the name) and was more like fondue than what he considers queso. It did not help that the chips came with pico and not salsa. The two "children" aka picky eaters at the table ordered cheese quesadillas. Unfortunately, they did not ask what kind of cheese was in the quesadillas. Turns out it was pepper jack and was drizzled with chipotle sauce. Loni ate it with a lot of funny faces and scraping off of the sauce. The youngest managed to get it down without too many issues.
After dinner the boys went off on their own, and Loni and I headed to JC Penney for cheap suitcases to send some of our things onto Fairbanks.
Once we went back to the hotel and filled up the new suitcases to lighten our load, Loni and I went back out to get dessert and upon the reference from the hotel clerk went back to the Glacier Brewhouse. Loni had their original peanut butter pie, and fell it love with it. I had their bread pudding.
It was very strange to be walking around Anchorage at 10:30 p.m. and it was like walking around at 5:00 p.m. because it was so light out.
We had dinner at Glacier Brewhouse. This was definitely a restaurant where I should have insisted Loni and the youngest order from the children's menu. The youngest was not happy with the queso as it had ale in it (hint Brewhouse in the name) and was more like fondue than what he considers queso. It did not help that the chips came with pico and not salsa. The two "children" aka picky eaters at the table ordered cheese quesadillas. Unfortunately, they did not ask what kind of cheese was in the quesadillas. Turns out it was pepper jack and was drizzled with chipotle sauce. Loni ate it with a lot of funny faces and scraping off of the sauce. The youngest managed to get it down without too many issues.
After dinner the boys went off on their own, and Loni and I headed to JC Penney for cheap suitcases to send some of our things onto Fairbanks.
Once we went back to the hotel and filled up the new suitcases to lighten our load, Loni and I went back out to get dessert and upon the reference from the hotel clerk went back to the Glacier Brewhouse. Loni had their original peanut butter pie, and fell it love with it. I had their bread pudding.
It was very strange to be walking around Anchorage at 10:30 p.m. and it was like walking around at 5:00 p.m. because it was so light out.
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Anchorage had some pretty gardens around downtown, |
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10:00 P.M. in downtown Anchorage |
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Midnight in downtown Anchorage, View from hotel window |
Oldest took some pics around Anchorage |
Mudflats in Anchorage |
Girdwood, Alaska
While at Mt. Alyeska Hotel we spent an afternoon in Girdwood, Alaska. Fortunately, our breakfast server at the hotel had given me the run down on the shops in Girdwood and I knew to go to the Girdwood Center for Visual Arts, a nonprofit co-op gallery of more than 40 Alaska artists.
This was definitely one of my favorite stops in Alaska. This is where I bought "my precious," a small teapot with a turtle that I had to protect from breakage the rest of the trip. I carried it wrapped in a blanket in my backpack.
I also was able to buy Mina a print she liked, a gift for Loni, and a Christmas ornament for myself. I also was gifted with two turtle ornaments from Loni and the youngest.
Glass Turtle Christmas Ornaments |
Turtle Teapot , Letha Cress Woolf, Potter, Mudhead Pottery, Girdwood, Alaska |
Another view of "my precious" by Potter Letha Cress Woolf |
Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center is a refuge for injured and orphaned animals. We noticed the bears just wanted to have fun.
Alaska Land Tour ~ Mt. Alyeska
As part of our Alaska land tour we spent two nights at Hotel Alyeska, the only four star hotel in Alaska. It is a beautiful hotel, and the staff was very nice.
We had a little issue when we arrived in that the boys luggage did not get delivered when ours was brought to the room. There was confusion when I first reported that we did not receive the boys luggage because the youngest was in my room and took delivery of Loni's and my luggage and the hotel kept saying they delivered luggage to the boys. It took a few phone calls, but the hotel finally discovered that the luggage had been delivered to the boys room originally booked for them before they were moved to a rooms that was already cleaned when we arrived.
There were some very nice walking trails around the hotel, but a lot of them were still closed due to ice.
Hotel Alyeska |
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Pond at Hotel Alyeska |
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View outside window at Hotel Alyeska |
Atop Mt. Alyeska ~ Memorial Day, 2012 ~ Last day of Skiing |
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Four out of six family members at Mt. Alyeska |
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Loni at Mt. Alyeska |
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Mina and Stan ~ Mt. Alyeska |
Hotel Alyeska from the ski tram |
Pretty birds at tram dock |
Dance Lessons ~ Alaska Cruise Style
One of the fun things we did aboard the ms. Statendam was to take dance lessons. Loni, Stan, the oldest and I took rhumba lessons, and Loni and I enjoyed country line dancing with D.J. Mark.
At one point Loni asked my youngest what it would take for him to take dancing lessons with her. He said 250. She said $2.50 and he said "No, $250.00." Loni said "No problem." Of course that shocked the youngest and then it became the joke of the week.
Now as we are going through the week, the youngest is trying to find a gift for Loni for her birthday and was not being successful in finding anything that met his standards. He then decided he would gift Loni with a dance lesson. The next two lessons to come up were waltz and Cha Cha. It was decided the waltz would be the best for the youngest, and the oldest was willing to learn the Cha Cha with Loni.
I am glad my boys were able to make Loni so happy on this trip.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
I Only Scored a 6
On the day we were in Glacier Bay, Loni, the youngest and I spent some time up in the comfy chairs up on 8 looking out the window. Once we decided to move on and started across the floor, I took a fall just as we came up on the dance floor. I landed stomach down and slid across the floor with my head up like a seal.
The youngest scored it as a 6. He said he would have scored me higher if I had barked like a seal.
The youngest scored it as a 6. He said he would have scored me higher if I had barked like a seal.
Fortunately, I wasn't injured.
Last Port ~ Seward Alaska
Our last port before beginning the land tour of our Alaskan adventure was Seward. We only had a few hours there, and since it was Sunday morning not many of the shops were open, so Loni and I did not get to visit with the knit or quilt shop.
Seward from the Lido Deck |
Sign next to the Raven mural in Seward |
Raven mural in Seward, Alaska |
Glacier Bay, Alaska
The weather was gloomy the day we went through Glacier Bay, but there was a lot of calving going on and the sound was incredible.
Youngest on deck in Glacier Bay |
Calving in Glacier Bay |
Oldest in Glacier Bay |
Calving in Glacier Bay |
Calving in Glacier Bay with ice chunks |
Huge calving splash |
Loni and youngest on deck in Glacier Bay |
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