Friday, April 6, 2012

Am I Mellowing with Age?

I had an experience at the grocery store today that made me wonder if I am mellowing with age.  

I did not have an overflowing cart, in fact it was all single layer, with a lot of big items when I arrived at the checkout area. There were 14 lanes open.  No one in self check, only one or two people in the two express lanes, and really no waiting in the other lanes.  I chose my lane based on liking the bag clerk.  There were a few of my favorite checkers working, but I wasn't in a talkative mood.  

The woman in front of me was paying, and my cart was up to the counter when a tall man came up behind me with a carry basket with about six items.  He immediately started acting impatient and grunting.  Normally I would have allowed him in front of me, especially since I wasn't in a hurry, however, he was grunting, making exasperated noises, and then he actually took his basket and bumped into me as if to say "Look how little I have."  I looked around and noticed that there were at least 3 lanes he could have entered and been the next person scanned, and the self check out lanes were empty. He then started grunting and stomping his foot.  That was it.  He wasn't getting in front of me.

Once the checker started scanning my items I was able to move forward to the credit/debit pay area.  As I moved forward this man came up and stood so close the whole side of his body was touching me.  He was still making sounds like he couldn't believe he had to wait, and stomping his foot.  I was starting to get very irritated.

As he continued to crowd me and stomp, I decided to make my checkout as slow as possible.  I took a lot of time putting in my information, and I don't believe I have ever spent that much time writing my name. While I was paying he leaned his elbows over the top of the receipt printer, and my receipt was not able to print.  The checker, who was new, obviously did not know how to deal with the stomping, grunting customer, and instead of asking him to move his elbows, tried to get the receipt by reaching between the elbows. The man still did not move!  I finally got my receipt and thanked the checker and bag clerk wishing them a Happy Easter before I left.

In my younger years, I would have either told the man to back off and stop being an a$$, or I would have taken my foot and made sure he went home limping.  Well, actually maybe I haven't mellowed that much, because I really did want to stomp my heal onto his foot today, but I had the wrong shoes on.  Believe me, many a mean customer has gone home limping due to my well placed heal in the past.  

Me mellowing? No, now that I think about it I just didn't want to spend any of my energy on this gorgeous day on a jerk!


1 comment:

Loni said...

I think your dude's brother was in the self-check area today... all he was doing was griping at the senior that was in charge of the self-check lanes...