Saturday, April 28, 2012

I Love Discover Card

According to Discover I have been with them since 1995, but that is really not true.  I had one of the original ones through Sears but I used it so seldom they probably didn't consider me to be a real client.  I do remember applying for a new one in 1995 and changing the way the card was held so that is considered my "official" client status.

On Tuesday, I received an email from Discover but I was at work and really thought it was an ad even though it said Discover Fraud.  When I arrived home from work my phone was ringing and it was Discover.  Evidently my card had been compromised and someone had been spending money all day with my card.  The Discover Fraud department asked me the appropriate questions and immediately took all the charges off, canceled my card, and issued new ones.  They were efficient, respectful, and very helpful.

Several people asked me if I wasn't stressed over this incident and I had to honestly answered that other than the inconvenience of not having my card I really wasn't bothered because it was handled so well by Discover.

My new cards came within 2 days.  I have to update my personal payments, but all is well in my Discover world.

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