Saturday, May 19, 2012

Good Job "YOung One"

My youngest is not the best about checking his cell phone, in fact he had not turned it on in a couple of days until this morning.  Imagine his surprise when he heard messages from his bank and checked his account to learn it had been depleted. 

This is a child that at any given time can tell me almost to a penny how much money is in his account.  He had not used his debit card in the last couple of days, and knew exactly where he had used it and what time.

He called the bank back and I listened as he handled the situation perfectly and politely.  The matter has been handled and his money will be replaced by the bank in a few days. Fortunately his rent check had already cleared. 

It is amazing how much he has matured in the last few months, and at 18 he has a remarkable amount of confidence in who he is and what he wants.  (Mostly he just wants Magic cards.)

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