Saturday, May 19, 2012

Very Proud Mama

My oldest will graduate from the University of Texas at Dallas tomorrow afternoon.  Thursday he received his Cum Laude award.  He has fast tracked in the Master's program and his first two graduate classes were a A and B+, which is excellent considering he was working on his capstone, finishing his degree, and working his regular job, in addition to being part of the development of a Facebook application that has gained international attention.  

I have some concerns about the path he has chosen, but I keep telling myself that Raymond told me to let them make their own choices. I was not allowed to make my own choice when it came to my degree plan, and I was never happy with with it and removed myself from the field very quickly.  

Tomorrow will be bittersweet because Raymond will not be there, but my oldest will be surrounded by love and I will know how proud Raymond would have been.  

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