Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Will I Color My World?

Several friends have commented on how different I look and sound since Randy has come back in my life.  One said my laughter seemed to have life to it.  One of the ladies that came by my office yesterday asked me what I had done to change my appearance because she couldn't figure out why I looked so different.  

I recently moved my art work around in my house.  I moved this painting to just outside my bathroom door in the hall.  It is what I see when I exit the bathroom.  Since 2008 it has been down by my oldest's bedroom and I haven't really looked at it in all those years.
By Wesley Holderby
 The other day as I walked by this painting it caught my eye and I really stopped to look at it.  As I looked at the different elements in this piece, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the realization of how much this art work represented my life.  I have been the man on the left. Sitting back and looking at a world that was truly colorless to me.  What had brought color and joy to me was gone and while I could see the beauty around me it never really went to my core.  Since Randy has come back in my life, I feel a little color coming back.  I just need to put my hand out and let it wash over me and see what happens.

So here I am, the man on the right with my hand out.  Will I let the color drop down, or will I pull my hand back?


Loni said...

Color.. Sparkle... Laughter... all good things :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful analogy. Keep your hand out and watch as the color creeps back into your life.