Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thanks for Noticing

I have a long time friend who is in a service area I use a couple of times a year.  Today was one of the days I had to call upon his service.

When he arrived I took him to the area where the problem existed and he started asking me questions but I couldn't come up with the word I needed to explain the entire issue to him and was stumbling around with my words when he said: "Are you all there?"  I looked at him and said, "Yes, I just can't think of the word."  He said "No, are you all there?" and then he used held his hands about a foot apart and moved them up and down.  I then realized he was talking about my physical presence and not my mind.

I then told him about how much weight I have lost and what I have been doing and thanked him for noticing.

That is the second time this week someone has noticed my weight loss.  I have to say it feels good.

It also helped me when I was grocery shopping tonight.  Chocolate boxes from Mother's Day were on sale, but I kept on walking.