Sunday, December 16, 2012

So Many Tears

All the lost babies, and the adults.  Friday, Dec. 14 was the unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.  20 children ages 6 and 7, and 6 adults were killed.
I can't stop thinking about the Christmas presents that will not be opened this year.  Or how those parents sent their children to school with hugs and kisses never suspecting they would not be giving them hugs and kisses when they put them to bed that night.  
I pretty much sat up all night watching a mini-series I knew would make me cry just because I was already weeping.
I cannot imagine the anguish of those families, and I will be selfish and say I pray I never do. 
Took my baby out to a late dinner last night just so I could hug his neck and kiss on his cheek.  The other child is out of town.  The baby was smart enough not to protest.  Hugged some of the crew from the man cave too.  

1 comment:

Loni said...

I have no human babies of my very own.. but the nieces and nephews get extra hugs as I see them in person. So many prayers sent for these shattered families and so many more needed as they face those empty spots at the table; in the bedrooms; on the vacations and so forth.