Sunday, February 28, 2016

Moving On

2015 was a year of firsts. 

The first wedding anniversary I didn't sit in my chair and weep for Raymond.

The first time I made it through Raymond's birthday without anger over all he has missed in these past years and how we were supposed to be together.

The first time I actually forgot the anniversary of Raymond's death. 

The first time for me to receive a romantic kiss in 10 years.  Yes, a romantic kiss.  It happened on Halloween night when I was out for an evening with a man I have known since I was 24 years old.  A man who used to be my boss. 

I always thought I would feel guilt when I shared a kiss for the first time after Raymond's death, but there was no guilt   There was just the realization that I was in the company of a man I greatly respect and I was having a wonderful time.

In 2015 I realized I was really ready to move on with my life.

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