Friday, December 28, 2007

Wonderful Surprise

My gift from the boys came after Christmas this year, and it was a wonderful surprise.

The complete set of the "Six Feet Under" series. A set I have dreamed of since it came out, but wouldn't get because of the cost. This year I found it at a great price and told the boys I was going to save my Christmas money and finally buy it.

They ordered it for me, but it did not arrive in time for Christmas, so they told me Christmas Day that my gift would come later and that they had ordered me some books.

The day after Christmas I had enough money and went in to buy it only to find out the price had gone up slightly and I did not have enough saved. I was disappointed. I told the boys maybe next year.

Yesterday when I came home they had a box under the tree for me. I was expecting it to be books. I was so surprised to get my "Six Feet Under."

Of course I won't let the little one watch it with me, but my mom and I will enjoy watching all 24 dvds.

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