Thursday, May 31, 2007

Death be Not Quiet

It has been a year today.

I am still shocked over the death itself. I still worry and pray that the nurses were correct and Raymond did not suffer. I pray that if he did he has forgiven me because I had promised him it would be easy.

When the chemo damaged Raymond’s kidneys, the doctors told me that he would probably die of kidney failure long before he died of cancer. (Wrong again medical profession, Raymond fooled you all.) I distinctly remember our wonderful PA taking me aside and telling me that death by kidney failure would be merciful. She said that most likely Raymond would die in his sleep. This was told to me over and over again.

Raymond and I came home and we had a dialysis shunt put in his arm preparing to start dialysis as soon as there was any hint that his kidneys were getting worse. The doctors explained that we did not want to have to put the shunt in during a crisis. We had a long talk with our wonderful nephrologist, Dr.Wall. He talked to us about what kind of diet Raymond should follow and we went home knowing that Raymond would have to be closely monitored. We did everything Dr. Wall told us to do, and Raymond’s kidneys remained insufficient, but stable. He never needed dialysis, and it became pretty clear that kidney failure would not be the cause of death. .

That would cause us to wonder at times what his death would be like. We did not want it to be painful, or frightening. While in hospice, Raymond and I would question the nurses constantly about what his death would be like. The hospice kept assuring us that he would not suffer, they would not allow it, and there would be plenty of medication available to keep him comfortable. I spent hours on the internet trying to figure out how I would know when death was near.

By the last day of school 2006, Raymond had already defied all predictions made by the doctors and nurses. He did not die on March 21, he did not die within 4 days of March 21, and he certainly lasted longer than 10 days after March 21, 2006. He was still able to participate in family discussions. He colored Easter eggs in his hospital bed. He watched television with us, played chess with the boys, helped identify a snake our youngest had found on the breezeway, and in general showed no signs of dying, and yet, he was. I was concerned about the boys. I worried that they had forgotten that Raymond was dying. His medications and care had become such a routine that I was afraid they might start thinking that routine was our life and their father was, if not getting better, at least stable. So when they came home from their last day at school, I asked Raymond to talk to the boys, and he did, telling them that he was not getting better, he was dying, we just did not know when, but it probably would be a lot sooner than later..

Raymond had stopped eating a couple of weeks before this discussion. He was still drinking, but he had stopped asking for solid food, and when I made him food he would just take a miniscule bite and ask me to take it away. The hospice nurse told us this was a sign.

Raymond also had pretty much stopped talking. He spoke when spoken to, but mostly he just listened. He did not start any conversations. I was told this was also a sign.

On Sunday, May 28, 2006, Raymond was too weak to finish his bath. He asked me to stop and just let him lay down. That was a sign. Raymond was fastidious about cleanliness. The rest of the day Raymond slept on and off and did not really engage in conversation with us. I sat by his side and held his hand.

Monday, May 29, 2006. Raymond was quiet, watchful. I spent the day holding his hand, while sitting right next to him so he could see me.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006. The boys were playing in a back room. I was sitting with Raymond. An odd smell hit my nose. Smoke? Maybe? I called the boys in. Hot wires? We unplugged everything in the kitchen, and the boys went back to playing. I went back to Raymond. I looked up to look out the kitchen window and noticed the kitchen looked odd. I called the boys in. Did the kitchen look smoky? We opened all the windows. I gave the boys my purse, Raymond’s billfold and medications, and they got their favorite stuffed animals. I sent them outside and called 911. We got a great response time from our volunteer fire department! I sat next to Raymond holding his hand, trying to figure out if I should evacuate him, and how would I do that. The firefighters find the source. The water heater has shorted out and is burned up. The response team was wonderful, and since I know many of them personally I did not have to do a lot of explaining about Raymond. One came to me and wanted to know if they should check out Raymond. I thanked him and said “no.” I did not know if Raymond was sleeping or just semi-conscious. I just did not know. I finally remembered that I had 12 oxygen canisters on the floor behind Raymond that could have caused a disaster.

The nurse came for her visit. She gave me the name of the plumber they used for their new water heater. I called the plumber out, and their estimate seemed really high. I did not know what to do. I sent them away. I felt as if Raymond was testing me. I called other plumbers, they either cannot get to me or I don’t like how they talk to me. I called friends for referrals. No real luck.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006. There is a definite change in Raymond. I can tell he is slipping. I tell the boys they need to play in the living room where their dad can hear them laughing and having fun. I think he needs to know they are okay. I called the expensive plumber back. “Put it in” I said. I wonder if I am passing the test. If I fail the test and refuse to get a new water heater will Raymond stick around until I solve the problem? The plumber came and I told him it is quite possible my husband will die while he is working. He says he is okay with that as he sat with his grandfather while he died. I showed him a way to get to the laundry room without coming into the living room as I did not what Raymond disturbed. During all of this, I was sitting next to Raymond and holding his hand except for when dealing with the plumber. The new hot water heater is installed. I think I passed the test. I tell Raymond. Raymond is restless, is it pain? I call the nurse, but have to leave a message. Raymond is moaning, yawning, and sneezing, and it is loud. The hospice aide shows up to give Raymond a bath. It is obvious that he is not up to a bath. She moistened his mouth, wiped his head with a cool cloth. She tried to make him comfortable. The moaning is getting louder. We are worried he was in pain. The aide called the nurse, and more morphine was ordered, and delivered. I called the nurse, please come hook up the new morphine. She assured me she did not think Raymond was in pain. The yawning and moaning is getting louder. She did an assessment. She said it was just a matter of hours. Told me to call and let the Willed Body program know they would be receiving a body that night. She told me to call her when it was over, or if we needed her. The boys were there, playing. I gathered them to their father. I told them it won’t be long. They went back to playing. Raymond looked at me, and mouthed “I love you.” Did he really? Was it wishful thinking? I know it happened, but maybe not. I begged him to try to let me know if he was really in pain. I promised no pain. Why was it so loud????

I could tell he was fading. Our youngest had always wanted to be there when it happened. Oldest did not. I called our pastor. I called our friend and asked him to come and get the oldest. They arrived. Oldest wanted to go out and walk; when he came back he decided to stay. I told the pastor and friend that they could leave it if bothered them. Everyone stays. It is loud. Moaning, yawning, and sneezing? What happened to going quietly in his sleep? What was all the noise about? Pain? Oh, please I prayed, not pain. His heart started beating so fast that I thought it must be exploding.

Sounds are fewer and farther between. We gathered around and prayed. We opened our eyes. “Is it over?” I ask. Yes, our friend and Pastor determine it is. My youngest is glad he died during the prayer. Approximately, 8:45 p.m.

Our Pastor said “I’ve never seen a more peaceful death.” That comment startled me. Peaceful? All that noise. What in the heck has he seen in the past? I have seen death before, it was quiet.

That was it? He was gone. The love of my life was gone. He will never laugh with me again. We will never debate again. No chance to cure him. I knew it was coming, but damn it hurts. I guess I passed the test. He waited to make sure I was able to handle a small crisis. He waited until the boys were out of school and would have time to recover before the oldest went away to school and before the youngest hit middle school.

I called the nurse. I called his parents and one friend. I asked that no one share the information until I had time to tell my mother in person the next morning.

The nurse came at 9:45 and pronounced him dead. She called the mortuary. She removed the medical paraphernalia. Who knew there was so much stuff to do? All the medications had to be destroyed. I had to sign forms to say I witnessed bottles of morphine being poured out, and duragesic patches cut up.

The boys continued to play games at their table. Pastor, friend and I looked through photo albums and told stories at the end of his bed. The nurse sat and filled out her paperwork.

The mortuary did not show up until midnight. They were lost. They asked to be alone with the body. We went into the next room and waited. They came out and asked us if we would like to be with the body again. The boys and I looked at each other. “No, we’re done” we said. They brought him out on a gurney with a dark purple crushed velvet looking blanket on him. His head is uncovered. I am shocked. I did not expect to see his face again. What if the neighbors see him dead? I didn’t say anything. I can tell that the men from the mortuary are pleased with how they arranged the body. I did not want people to see him dead. I did not say anything because I did not want to upset the boys.

We made plans for the next morning. Our friend would come and get us so we could notify my mother.

Then it was just the boys and me. We went to bed. The youngest and I slept in the living room with all the equipment in the bed we had been sleeping in for weeks. I thought sleep would not come, but it did for a few hours. I woke up. Why did we sleep in the room with all the equipment? There were other beds. It was so quiet without all the machines running.

Months later I asked our Pastor what he meant by his “peaceful death” comment. He said he was talking about the moment Raymond died, not the time leading up to the death. I told him that I had not been able to stop thinking about that comment. He apologized that I had been upset. I told him it wasn’t his fault; I just had not expected a loud death.

I think about the sounds coming from Raymond that night. Sometimes and I tell myself it was just Raymond not wanting to leave us. Yes, he was tired of being ill and suffering, but he never wanted to leave us. I tell myself that so I won’t go crazy thinking he was in pain. I promised no pain. When doubt comes to me I beg Raymond to forgive me if he was in pain. I hope I did all I could.

It has been a year. I feel as if I have accomplished nothing this year. My dear friend, my rock, says she is proud of how much I have accomplished this year and how strong I have been. I wish I felt that way.

Most days I feel that Raymond is disappointed in me. I am not living up to his expectations. Raymond talked to me about what my future held. He had hopes and dreams for me and the boys. He never stopped to think that without him I have no one to encourage me to meet those expectations.

Raymond told me he did not want me to mourn long; he wanted me to move on. He probably never stopped to think about how much I have to mourn. I not only mourn for Raymond, I mourn for all my lost dreams of our life together, both past and future.

Tomorrow is the first day of the second year of this different life.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

When on Earth are You as in Heaven?

A friend told me the other day that she is afraid she will not recognize Raymond in heaven. She has seen pictures of him with hair, she only knew him when he was bald from chemo. She said she never knew him when he could walk, so she had no idea of his full height.

As I went through my day I continued to think about my friend’s comment. Her belief is that we will all be whole in heaven and reunited with all our family and loved ones. I started wondering how whole is defined in heaven. Is it when we were at our peak physical condition? If so, I would be eight years old in heaven. Is Raymond walking around in heaven as a bald, 47 year old man with two legs, or is he as he was before the cancer struck? I can barely remember what he looked like out of a wheelchair. Even when I look at pictures of us pre-cancer it is hard for me to remember. If I die as an old woman from natural causes, will I be an old woman that a 47 year old man won’t want to know?

I sat a thought about “whole” meaning as we were when united in marriage. Then I thought what if Raymond doesn’t want to be reunited with me in heaven? Maybe he had enough of me here on earth. Maybe he is waiting for an old girlfriend to show up, or that one doctor that he had a crush on. Also, if we reunite as we were when married, then how will the boys know us?

The conversation with my friend just brought on too many questions/worries in my head. I think I will go back to picturing Raymond being active and healthy in heaven and doing all the things he didn’t get to do here on earth because of the limitations put upon him by the cancer.

It has been almost a full year. He has probably finished the Appalachian Trail by now. Maybe he is training for the next Tour de France.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Two New Family Members … Another Lesson Learned

Yesterday, May 12, 2007, we welcomed two new members into our family. Rostropovich and Galina, Russian tortoises, that we hope will live to a ripe old age and enjoy living with us.

Russian tortoises are not cheap. My son had a garage sale in the spring and made a little over $500.00. He put aside $300.00 of that garage sale money to buy these new pets, and to provide a tortoise table for them. We have called the pet stores weekly asking if they had received a new shipment of these creatures. Yesterday, his dream was fulfilled; PetSmart in Plano had two Russian tortoises and two Greek tortoises (even more expensive). Off we went to pick them up before they could be bought by anyone else.

We fell in love with Rostro and Galina immediately, made the purchase, and headed home to a busy day of an orchestra party, shopping, and visiting with my mother for Mother’s Day. As we were off and running from place to place, I realized that something seemed off. I started talking to the boys about the price of the tortoises and the supplies we bought for our other pets and how much the bill had been when I signed the credit card receipt. Something didn’t seem right to me.

When we stopped to buy gas, I looked at the bill. Sure enough, the girl had only charged us for one tortoise. My first instinct was to be mad, especially when I saw what it cost to fill my tank. When we checked out at PetSmart we had a purchase receipt that clearly stated two tortoises. I told the girl there were two tortoises in the box, and the manager said to her, they are buying both of them. I was not in the mood to spend the gas on another trip to Plano, and we were on a very tight time schedule.

I asked my youngest what he thought we should do. His answer was he didn’t know as he wasn’t sure what the “ethnics” should be in such a case. (He corrected the word immediately, but we still had a good laugh.) I told him I thought he knew what was ethically correct. We then had a good discussion as to our options. My youngest said that if we did not report the error then we would have to name one of the turtles “Criminal.” Unfortunately, we were not able to solve the problem immediately as he had to be at his party at 1:00 p.m.

When I picked him up from the party, I told him we were going to call Rocky at the pet store and report what happened. My youngest said he was glad. So that is what I did. I called and asked to speak to Rocky, and explained our predicament.

Rocky was very appreciative. He said very few people would have called. I told him that would be sending the wrong message to my children. I then talked to another man who was also extremely appreciative. We were able to handle the transaction over the phone, and they are mailing my new receipt.

So no tortoise named “Criminal,” a good lesson learned, and we all slept well last night.

Now my children know that I am not always so ethical when it comes to mistakes made at stores. I can think of another incident this year where I did not report the error. I bought two identical t-shirts at a store. One for each boy, since they do not go to schools remotely close to one another, they do not mind having identical shirts if it is something they really like, and matching tee’s come in handy for trips to Six Flags. I told the cashier that there were two shirts when I sat them on the counter. She grunted something I thought sounded like understanding. When she rang up the shirts, I told her I didn’t think she got both of them. She grunted again. I then got to talking to the boys, paid the bill, and left the store. When we got out to the car and I checked my receipt, I noticed that she had only rung up one shirt. My emotions immediately ran to the angry side. The boys asked me what I was going to do, and I told them I was going home. I felt as if I had done my due diligence in trying to pay for the shirt. I rationalized to them that it was a clearance item and that the store did not give me the sales price on another item the previous week, so it was almost a wash. I told them it was the store’s fault because they needed to train their help better. I also told them that I would have probably gone back in if the cashier had been nicer, but I did not want to go and try to go through the customer service department to pay for something that I had made an extra effort to pay for. Not a proud moment as a mother, but there you go. My anger won out over my ethics.

So as I write this on Mother’s Day, I hope that in the end my boys will remember my more ethical moments, and forget the angry cheating ones. So far they seem like they are going to take after their father and be outstanding citizens. Me, well I will probably have to take some lessons from the boys.

Ruby: A Novel by Ann Hood

I wanted to read this book and like it. It is the second book I had found of Ann Hood’s and I was looking forward to digging in.

The book is about Olivia, a new widow, and Ruby, a pregnant fifteen year old. It started out just fine, but then as Ruby started discussing her drug use and her sex partners I found myself weary and discouraged. The book was just relating what is happening in the lives of many teenagers in our country, but I find that to be so sad.

It was a good book. Lessons learned; yada yada. I just came away wondering what will become of the young people of this world.

A side message to all of my friends that tell me to quit reading books about widows. I have always read fiction books that deal with real life issues. It is reassuring to read books about widows in my age range. I don’t know very many widows close to my age, so I can relate to these characters in the books I read.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Rock Orchard by Paula Wall

I was really enjoying this book. The character development was such that I could identify with several citizens in the town of Leaper’s Fork and their fascination with the Belle women. I had several good chuckles, just like the reviews had promised. I was totally there in the town watching the characters interact, into the gossip, and wondering how the main characters would solve their dilemmas when wham, bam it ended. What a train wreck of an ending.

I hate it when it seems as if an author just got tired of writing a book and wraps everything up in just a few pages. This book is 244 pages long. I would have gladly read another 100-200 pages just to have walked the path with these characters as they fulfilled their destiny. Instead, I am meandering through the town watching everyone start to find their place in life when whoosh, Paula Wall sends in a tornado and seven pages (some of those only half pages) later the books is over. Everything is wrapped up nice and neat, but I didn’t get to take the journey with the characters. So dissatisfying, so many lost laughs and tears. Sigh.

I’m glad I read it. I just wish I had stopped seven pages before the end.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

White Haired Barry Gibb… The Magic is Gone

Barry Gibb - I’ve had a crush on him since “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” came out in 1978. I had always liked the Bee Gees’ music, but since I had limited access to television and didn’t have any of their albums, I didn’t know what he looked like until that movie came out. My crush on Barry became a joke between Raymond and me because I must have gone to see that movie about seven times, once with Raymond as my date.

Last night Barry Gibb was on American Idol. I was so shocked to see his silver-white hair. My youngest started laughing when I complained. He said “Mom, how old are you, and how old do you think he is?” The brat.

So onto the internet I go and discover that Barry Gibb is 60 years old. He still looks good, but I miss the dark hair. I think the problem is not that he is older, it is the hair color. I do not find men with blonde or light colored hair attractive. His silver-white hair is so light it immediately turned me off.

I do admire the fact that he is aging gracefully and not trying to hide his age. Older men that try to look like they are still 30 irritate me even more. My youngest said that I just need to own up to the fact that I’m getting older. I told him he had to own up to the fact that he has a mean tongue on him and he is going to grow up to be like me.

Barry Gibb, I still love you, but I think when you perform on “American Idol” tonight I will look at an old picture of you on the internet so that I can remember my younger days, and when Raymond and I were dating. I’m banning my youngest from the room.

Monday, May 7, 2007

How … Discouraging

I went to the doctor last Tuesday morning to get my blood pressure checked and to make sure my new meds were working. While I was there I discussed the fact that despite the fact I am walking approximately 20 miles a week, eating between 1300 and 1500 calories a day and have added lots of fiber to my diet, I am still unable to lose any weight. She suggested that I have my thyroid rechecked, and I asked them to check my cholesterol again since I was trying to go without taking any more medicine.

Yesterday, the doctor’s office called, and the news was not good. The thyroid test was good. My cholesterol had gone up about 30 points, and my blood sugar was above normal. Very depressing. My blood sugar has never been above normal. There is a family history of diabetes and heart disease. I must get this weight off.

So now I am taking new cholesterol medicine, along with another drug to see if I can get back on the right track.

Getting healthy is discouraging when you do everything the books tell you to and you just keep going backwards.

I go back in 8 weeks to see if anything has improved.

The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood

I loved this book.

It is about Mary and her grief over losing her child. It is about Mary finding a way out of her grief.

I liked an idea she muses about in one stage of her grief. She thinks there should be a "Grief 911.” A number to call to have your grief fixed and your heart mended. I don’t think I would want it the way it is described in the book, but I would sure like to have a number to call to make my grief all better.

Why did this book touch my heart? Characters with lines like:

“I always thought I was blessed with this perfect life. And now this.”

“Sometimes, someone, you don’t know well is the best listener.”

“…the listener finds solace in the act of listening.”

The lines about listening reminded me of M.D. Anderson. Sometimes I would have to wait hours for Raymond’s tests to be over. While I was waiting someone else that was waiting would strike up a conversation and the next thing I knew they were telling me about why they were there, and what was happening in their lives. I was always shocked by how many people I met whose spouses left them when they were diagnosed with cancer. However, I did find solace in listening because it let me know that we were not alone in our battle.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


I'm finding it very difficult to get through each day of this month.

I had a wonderful time with my youngest yesterday. We went to the Live Green Expo in Plano, Texas and learned so much. He was fascinated by all the different ways to live "green" and he asked some excellent questions at the booths. He also couldn't believe that they gave out free stuff.

After the Expo we went to Wells Bros. Feed Store and signed up for their drawing and he received a stuffed animal. We then went on to a pet store, Sprouts (where we bought his favorite, corn on the cob), Target, another pet store, and finally the library. We laughed, talked, teased each other. It was a terrific six hours.

Then we went home. Home where I did not have to concentrate on traffic. Home where there were no distractions like whether or not to buy green or red pears. Home where he had a project to work on for school. Home where I had a chance to reflect on how much Raymond would have enjoyed the Expo. Home where I am constantly bombarded by flashing pictures of Raymond.

I see Raymond sitting in the kiddie pool with the boys when they were young. I see Raymond mowing the field on the tractor he loved so much. I see Raymond sitting at the table playing chess with one boy and then the other. I see Raymond hunched over in pain. I see Raymond laughing at some crazy plot we have thought of with regard to whatever issue we are all rabid over, even though we would never follow through. I see Raymond lying in that hospital bed in the living room having an anxiety attack because he couldn't remember why he was confined to the bed. I see Raymond painting in that hospital bed. I see Raymond looking at a snake in a tank that my youngest has brought in and placed in the hospital bed to be researched and admired. I see Raymond dying in that hospital bed. I see Raymond gone in that hospital bed. I see Raymond's body being taken out by the mortuary men, with the face uncovered because they thought we would like to see him again, even though we have been sitting with the body for 4 hours waiting for them to come and transport the body for the Willed Body Program.

At least the pictures are mixed between happy, sad, and bizarre. It doesn't matter though because they all make me anxious. I don't know how I will get through this month.

My friends are all sympathetic. I appreciate each one of them, but they can't help me through this.

On May 31st it will have been one year. He is not coming back.

I don't understand how this happened to us. I see these pictures in my mind of us happy and doing the best to raise wonderful boys that will be responsible citizens. I know how good Raymond was and I see how evil other people are and I don't understand.

I tell myself I need to get through May. I'm not thinking about June. I really won't get through May, if I don't think June will be better.