Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Raymond Would Have

I got up at 4 a.m. one morning last week to watch the lunar eclipse with my youngest. We watched for a little over an hour. I was so thrilled when total eclipse was reached and he decided to go back to bed instead of watching the rest of the process.

At first, I told my youngest that I was not going to get up with him, but then I surprised him by setting my alarm and going out with him. What made me decide at the last minute to set my alarm and go outside to be a feast for the mosquitoes? Raymond would have gotten up to see the eclipse if one of the boys wanted to see it

“Raymond would have” has been my test for a lot of things I have done since I have been making decisions on my own, especially when it comes to the boys.

Raymond would have gotten up whether or not he was interested in the eclipse or not. Of course, Raymond would have remembered to set up the telescope while it was still daylight instead of in the dark at 4 a.m. in the morning. Raymond also would have known how to work the telescope.

I’m glad I got up with my youngest. My oldest watched it in another city. I hope Raymond had a chance to see it too.

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