Monday, September 1, 2008


My right foot is itching along the side today. The itching starts at the little toe right to the middle of the foot and then on up onto the top of my foot. There is no sign of a bite, rash, etc. It is driving me MAD!!! Nothing has stopped the itching.

The itching is starting to creep up my nerve endings and into the very base of my skull.

No amount of meditation and pretending the itch is not there has worked.

Sometimes the itching moves to the middle of the bottom of my foot and burns and I think okay, that is almost better, but then in seconds it is back to the outside of my foot and itches worse than before.

I am not worried about a foot fungus or any thing such as that, I am afraid of what the itching means and what may be coming into my life. Will it bring good or bad? Can I handle anything bad right now?

Yes, I have superstitions. Not as many as others, and not the same as others, but all my life my foot itching has meant something. Just as a dream that my Uncle Bob was coming meant that Uncle Bob would be there the next day, foot itching was an omen.

Foot itching has brought me good news and bad news in the past. It is never consistent. So not only is the itching driving me mad, but the unknown of what it means is driving me mad.

I guess I should not let myself go mad, there are worst places that could itch.

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