Saturday, November 24, 2012

Another Rousing Middle of the Night Game of...

At 2:35 this morning, which is the middle of the night to me, I was playing a rousing game of name that sound.  

I got up to go to the bathroom and as I was leaving the bathroom I realized I was hearing a loud buzzing sound.  The sound was probably going the entire time I was in the bathroom, but it took that long for me to wake up enough to understand it wasn't just a sound in my head.  I turned on the lights (I never turn on lights after bedtime unless I have to) and listened.  Definitely a loud buzzing, which wasn't coming from the lights, because they were not on when I heard the sound.  

I looked in my dressing table to see if my electric razor had turned on by accident.  No.  

I went into the youngest's bedroom.  I could not decide if I could still hear the noise, or if the buzzing was a permanent part of my existence now.  I went into my bedroom, definitely no buzzing.  I went into the oldest's bedroom room to see if the septic tank buzzer was going off.  The only sound in there was the youngest snoring, and let me tell you he can never complain about my snoring again.

Back into the bathroom.  Buzzing is really loud. I opened the cabinet under the sink.  The buzzing is really loud under there.  I sit on the floor and look through the items under the sink.  Nothing that could buzz. Is it the pipes?  What would cause the pipes to sound like that?  This cannot be good.  Do I wake up the youngest.  No, he is snoring.  

I sit and stare into the cabinet for a minute and then it dawns on me what is making the sound.  I open the top drawer of the cabinet and the sound explodes into the room.  My electric toothbrush is on and buzzing in its container.  

Game over, back to bed. 

1 comment:

Rhonda Gibson said...

Laughing, that is really funny Cheryl. Glad you found the thing that goes buzz in the night :)