Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another Snake in the House

Tuesday afternoon, just as I was getting ready to leave work, my youngest called to tell me that there was a snake in my oldest's bedroom. He said he would keep an eye on it and I could help him catch it. I rushed home, and after some lifting of some furniture, we were able to get the snake out in the open. My youngest was not making a lot of progress in the "catching" of the snake. I got mad grabbed the "handicap grabbers" and snatched the snake up and threw it into a bucket. The youngest covered the bucket and took the snake to the barn.

He swears it was the same snake as before, but I truly believe that snake would be bigger by now. This one was about the same size as the last one.

I have been looking on the internet about how to keep snakes out of your house, but none of the ideas thrill me.

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