Friday, April 16, 2010

Family Lost, Now Found

My brother is nine years older than I am.  Most of my cousins are older than he is or just a couple of years younger.  Many of my cousins were parents themselves when I was born, and I was closer to my first cousins once-removed than many of my cousins. 

By the time my dad died, he only had one sibling left, a sister in Ohio.  When Raymond became ill, I lost touch with her and her husband due to the fact that I was overwhelmed with taking care of Raymond, the boys, two households, etc.  By the time life settled down again, I did not know what had happened to her.  

I also did not know the married name of any of my cousins.  As a child I just knew them and their spouses by their first names.  Plus once we moved away from Ohio, I did not see many of them again.  

After Raymond and I married and moved to Texas, I was able to see a couple of my cousins when we went home on vacation and learn their married names. However, one passed away and the other one I keep up with through my aunt only.
Last night I was playing around on the internet and looking through some of my files and I came across the married name of another cousin I haven't seen in probably 35-40 years.  I decided to try to find her on Facebook, and I did.  I learned that my dad's sister and her husband are still alive, as is my other cousin.  One of the first cousins, once removed that I used to play with lives in Texas.  
Today, I found another cousin, this time on my mother's side.  It has been at least 30 years since I have seen him and his wife.  

I am thrilled to be able to find some of my "lost" family.  I called one of my aunts today and asked her if she remembered any of my other cousin's last names.  Unfortunately, the only one she could remember was Smith, that one may be tough to find. 

1 comment:

Loni said...

social networking, ain't it grand... of course, then how to 'unfriend' folks that you want to be lost again, LOL.