Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bright Spot

I have real issues with sleeping. The last week or so has been particularly brutal. I have been averaging around 3.5 hours of sleep a night, and most of that is very fitful. Due to these sleep issues, I am often sitting up in my chair in the living room at night until long after others have gone to bed. When I do go to bed, I have to leave on the living room lights until I can open the bi-fold door that separates the living area from the bedroom area and use the light from the living room to see to get to my room and turn on another light, then it is back to the living room to turn off that lamp.

My youngest has started turning on my bedside lamp at night so I won't have to return to the living room to turn off the lights.

The simple turning on of that lamp is a wonderful bright spot in my day. Seeing that light from that lamp as I open the bi-fold door warms my heart and makes me smile.

That lamp light let me know I am cared for.

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