Thursday, January 31, 2008

Random Brain Questions of the Day

Why is there a warning on my multi-vitamin saying that it contains the same amount of caffeine as one cup of coffee?

What would I look like if I quit plucking my eyebrows, and other hairs that seem to jump onto my chin just to embarrass me when I am in a crowd, for a whole year?

Why did the Sonic carhop lady have to tell me that I had blue marker all over the side of my face today? Why didn’t one of my family members tell me? How long did I walk around today with blue marker all over my face?

Does anyone even notice that we have a governor other than at election time? (Has anyone noticed how our governor is looking old and haggard?)

Why does the hair get wider but not longer?

Am I the only one that gets creeped out by seeing John McCain standing there with that strange grin on his face?

What could have been cured by now if all the money spent on Super Bowl advertising was spent on medical research?


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how many angels got their wings while I was reading and responding to your blog.

I'm wondering why it is that I seem to be invisible to certain people.

I'm wondering what it would look like if you plucked all of your eyebrows and just drew some on with a makeup pencil.

Most of the presidential candidates creep me out in one way or another.

Cheryl said...

Oooh, I know women that pluck their eyebrows and then draw them in, they look odd, especially when they get one side a lot longer than the other.

I'm up to plucking them completely off, but I am waaaaay to lazy to draw them back on everyday.

Anonymous said...

So who is voting for these candidates? Most of the people I know are totally creeped out by the choices/lack of choices. I get nauseous imagining McCain in any presidential role or posture -- it's the stuff of Stephen King novels.

Maybe if he drew in some eyebrows . . . on second thought -- ewww!!

Cheryl said...

McCain needs some color. Have you noticed how he just looks white? White hair, white teeth, pale skin, white shirts. ICK. However, I do think his wife looks very classy.

Of course, once Rudy started really slapping on the makeup he had to drop out of the race.

Anonymous said...

Yeah we need to resurect Ross Perot. Take a look at this chart here, can ya see the chart? If you loook at this chart it shows why you don't need to have health care...

Hey lay off the pasty old white guy. He's old. He was quite handsome in his younger years.

I certainly would have preferred him to our current Pres.

I hope we're not voting based on looks cause that means Mitt...!

Cheryl said...

Me, choose by looks. No, but I know a lot of men and women that do vote according to looks.

I guess Mitt could be considered one of the better looking candidates, but he's too slick looking for my tastes, but I do like the fact that he has dark hair.

I did look up McCain in his younger years, and he still had that creepy smile, except in this one picture from 1973, where he looked like he could have been a movie star. Of course, he wasn't smiling in that one.