Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mom is in the Hospital

Mom has been failing in the last few weeks. I took her to the doctors, and they told me it was her Alzheimer's progressing. I called the doctor's and they said it was her Alzheimer's progressing. Her home health nurse called the doctor's and they ignored her.

Wednesday afternoon the home health nurse came over and said I needed to get Mom into the doctor. We called the doctor and they said they would call me right back. No call.

Thursday morning I called the doctor and told them he had to see her. Forty-five minutes after we arrived for her appointment we were sitting at the hospital admissions desk. When we finally got to the room her blood pressure was 70/44. They moved her to ICU around 8:00 p.m. to be able to monitor her better.

Last night at 8:00 p.m. we finally found out what was wrong. She has an abscess in her abdomen from where she had the gallbladder surgery and her left leg from her knee to her hip is full of blood clots.

She was suppose to have two procedures at 8:30 this morning. One to put a drain in her abdomen and the other to put a filter in one of her main veins to keep a blood clot from hitting her lungs or heart. My brother just called and said they were doing construction in the operating room and the procedures have been put off until 11:00 a.m.

Mom seems to be doing okay except she wants to go home, and she thinks I took her on a plane ride yesterday (CT Scan?).

I will say brother is trying to help me out by being at the hospital as much as possible. He is not great in dealing with her primary doctor, but he is there.

Mom will be in the hospital at least four more days. I am glad she is finally getting the care she needed, and I am sleeping better because I just knew something was wrong, and I knew I was not getting the proper care for her. Now we know the problems, we just have to see if they can be corrected.


Deborah said...


good for you for taking the bull by the horns and getting your mom into see the primary care guy.

I HATE the way the office staff often puts us (the caregivers) off thinking we don't know what we're talking about.

I'm glad your brother is helping you out. I know how exhausting it can be living at the hospital.

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Your family is in our prayers.

Thanks for all you do!!