Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Don't Know Which One is Giving Me the Most Gray Hair

I am not sure if my oldest or my youngest is giving me the most gray hair right now.

The youngest is struggling in several of his classes.  If he does not make a certain grade point average he will not be asked back to finish his senior year.  The problem is he really does not know how to study.  We talked about it this weekend and realized that until he went away to school he had never studied for test. I don't remember him ever opening a book during his time here, except a math book to copy the problems for homework, and not even that very often.  We talked study strategies this weekend, and I hope he listened.  The stress of this is really getting to both of us.  We have a game plan in place in case it doesn't work out, but he assures me he can get his grades back to where they need to be.  I hope so, but I won't be able to quit worrying until I know for sure.  

The oldest is actually doing great at school and work, but his personal life leaves a lot to be desired in my book right now.  He is so much like Raymond, and is such a good guy.  He deserves to be recognized and loved as such.  Hopefully he will figure that out before I have only a full head of gray.

They are still the best boys in the world.  I love them so very much, and that is why I worry so.  

I have been yelling and talking to Raymond about all of it. I tell him to whisper advice in the their ears so they will know what to do. Hope he is listening.

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