Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm Far From Perfect, But Come On Parents

I spent a lovely day at the Fort Worth Zoo with Loni yesterday. It was one of my dares for the year to drive to the Fort Worth Zoo, and I did it!

It was a beautiful day, and there were lots of families there.  Loni and I witnessed many examples of very well behaved children.  Young children who stepped out of the way so we could see into an exhibit, children of all ages, from very young to teenagers that opened doors for us, and children waiting patiently for their turn at feeding the birds or to get to a window.  In fact, I really did not see any children that I considered to be obnoxious or throwing a huge tantrum.  

I wish I could say I only saw well behaved parents, but I that would be a lie.  It was all I could do to not go up to a few of them and say "Hey, you are supposed to be setting an example here!"

Some examples of ill behaving parents that I witnessed yesterday:
  • A parents feeding the meerkats candy  (M&M's or Skittles - couldn't tell which)
  • Several parents littering.
  • Parents pushing people out of the way so that they could have a better view or get a picture of an animal.
Come on parents, set an example!

1 comment:

Loni said...

oh and let's not forget the parents letting their kids destroy bamboo or elsewise tromp thru the landscaping.