Sunday, April 1, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

We just finished with our Easter Egg Hunt. We have always had it Easter morning, but this year the oldest won’t be here for Easter. (Yes, I’m disappointed, but trying to be brave.) I was so surprised the boys still wanted an egg hunt. I thought last year would have been it.

Coloring Easter eggs has always been a tradition in this house. I boil two dozen eggs and then we all sit down and color them. Last year we set a table up next to Raymond’s hospital bed and colored our eggs together in the living room. I can close my eyes now and see him humming and being very artistic and funny. It was a great time, but in my head it was the last time.

The boys did not feel that way. So Friday night we colored 25 boiled eggs (I miscounted when boiling), and put them aside in the fridge for today. We laughed and experimented with the colors. It was fun, just missing one.

The youngest gave me a break this year by saying I only had to hide the boiled eggs. In the past we hid the boiled eggs, plus around 80 or so plastic eggs, most of those filled with candy or pennies, dimes, and nickels. It sometimes took hours to find all the eggs. Today it probably took about 20 minutes to find all the eggs, but I still had to give hints.

We won’t be doing Easter baskets this year because I have already given the boys their Easter gifts. Since my kids have never been into the traditional Easter candy, they have always received books, games, or movies in their baskets. Last week they both came up with books they wanted and were going to buy themselves. I paid for the books and called it their Easter gift. I will probably still have a chocolate bunny for each of them next week.

Since the oldest is not coming home for Easter, we will go to him on Good Friday. We will go order a tux for prom, eat out, and go to a movie. For Easter dinner I will make my mom some chicken and dumplings this year. She has wanted some for a couple of weeks. I really don’t want our usual meal, too emotional for me. Plus, I can box all the up for her to eat later in the week.

Notice I have not mentioned church. The last two times I went to Easter service without Raymond I just couldn’t take it. It is a horrible thing to sit in church and wonder why you can’t be there with one you love. All this resentment starts building up inside me and then the guilt comes pouring on because I am in a place of worship. No it doesn’t work for me right now. I’m not there yet. My pastor understands what I’m saying. I have talked to many widows that feel the same way.

My family and I understand the meaning of Easter. We also understand being together as a family and as one. To me it is all about love and caring for one another. That is what we do everyday, and so Easter will we just stop and think about why that is so important.


Anonymous said...

Don’t tell me what to do…

I think men tend to be fixers. Whenever my wife tells me about some problem that she is facing I am always trying to just fix it. I know it has gotten me in trouble more time than I care to get into. Some times all that people need to do is to talk/blog and get it out of their system. You seem to be doing a much better job of getting it out than I have ever been able to.

I enjoyed your “Buck Up” rant. I have to tell you that I can identify with the thoughts you expressed. I tend to go through analysis paralysis. Then, when I do make a decision somebody or some thing screws it up. People just don’t tend to take pride in their work these days. A good friend once told me; “People give you more trouble than anybody”.

It feels like I make great progress and then a small bump in my path just seems to derail me. I have so many things that need to get done, projects that are sitting there waiting for me to get back to them. Some times I just have to pick something that doesn’t require significant money so that if it doesn’t work out so well then the loss is not that big. If things do go well then I chalk up a win and go on to bigger better things.

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge."
Charles Darwin

I have to think that you probably figured out the answer to your questions from your previous post. The main reason why I think you guys are going to be OK is because I have faith.

If you have not seen the movie “Facing the Giants” I think you should pick up a copy and check it out. Sure it’s a hokey and amateurish production, but if you have faith and let go of your expectations it’s a pretty good film. There is a scene in the movie where the football coach is in his office and the world is crashing down around him. Your work here is not done Cheryl. Have Faith. No matter what happens, no matter how bad you stumble, you’re gonna be OK. Rent the movie and then drop me a line, you will understand.


P.S. Next time you worry about screwing the boys up because of some decision you have made or are about to make, forget it. If you were going to mess the boys up it would have happened a long time ago. The Die is Cast.

P.S.S It was good to see you. Hey maybe you should contemplate going to Easter Sunrise Service. It won't be in the Sanctuary and you can admire the new cross my son and I just put up. No pressure. I will be sleeping in! :-)

Cheryl said...

You want me to watch a football movie!! Maybe if I can find it free at the library.

I have attended the sunrise service. Maybe I will again. If I do, I'll let you know.

Good to see you too.


Anonymous said...

I would never want you to see a football movie if you didn't want to. Now, that is the Surly Cheryl we all know and love.

Hey If I gave "The Notebook" a chance then you can give "Facing the Giants" a chance.

We all relate in different ways and that is what makes life so interesting.


Cheryl said...

Me - Surly?? Well, yeah, but that is part of my charm. Any time someone would ask Raymond why he married me he would reply "because she was mean."

I haven't made it through "The Notebook" yet.
I started "Hide" this evening, plus picked up five more books at the library. I need a reading vacation!
