Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It Happens Every Spring by Gary Chapman and Catherine Palmer

Gary Chapman wrote the Four Seasons of Marriage and The Five Languages of Love, and now he has teamed up with Catherine Palmer to write a fiction series based on the Four Seasons of Marriage. It Happens Every Spring is the first of the series.

I really enjoyed this book even though I am a widow. The main story on this particular season is a couple whose children have left the nest, and the husband has a new career that has taken over his life, leaving the wife to sort out what her new role is in life and the marriage.

I related to this book because I too am trying to sort out my new “life” role. Being a single parent is certainly a different experience, and I am truly blessed to have such wonderful boys. I don’t know how equipped I would be to handle boys that were out-of-control.

Being a single homeowner is turning out to be a big challenge for me. Raymond and I did the best we could to keep the house in good repair between doctor and hospital visits and everyday life, but there were a lot of things that fell behind. So as I read about the remodeling of the home in the book I could dream about having all the repairs made in my home.

I’m looking forward to the next season in this series.

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