Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I just finished watching to Convocation held at Virginia Tech for all the people that lost their lives senselessly in yesterday’s rampage by a gunman. The gunman has been identified, but I will not name him here. I think it glorifies these madmen when their names get placed in print over and over again, whether they are alive or not.

I can’t stop crying. It was all I could do yesterday to keep from driving up to see my oldest on his campus. I restrained myself. It was the same kind of motherly pull I felt after 911. Gather your children close.

Yes, I am a grieving widow, but to me, the grieving process for a person that died from a long, painful, illness is different than the grieving process for a person that died totally unexpectedly, especially when the death is due to a senseless act of violence. I had time to grieve and prepare for final grief for eight years. The loved ones of the men and women that were killed at Virginia Tech yesterday could not have dreamed that this could have happened to their families. I never dreamed Raymond would get cancer, but at least we had options for treatment. The ones killed yesterday at Virginia Tech were not given options.

To be the recipient of a call telling you that your child was shot down as they went about their day learning in order to better their future is inconceivable to me.

My heart goes out to all those that are suffering due to this senseless act of violence, especially to the mothers and fathers. May they find some solace in the special memories they hold of their loved ones.

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