Friday, July 13, 2007

“God Rules with an Iron Spork”

“God rules with an iron spork.” This is a comment from my oldest as we were driving through some small towns on our recent trip through Oklahoma and Arkansas.

This comment was brought on by some of the sayings on the signs of the local churches. I believe God is love, but some of the signs on these churches would have you believing otherwise, thus the iron spork comment.

I have met many people over the years that have claimed to be “Christians” that behaved and talked in ways that were extremely Un-Christian. I have never understood their attitudes. I know a man that is a deacon in his church, and while he does lots of good things for his several million dollar church in the way of manual labor, he treats human beings horribly. I have trouble even being in the same room with this person. He is racist. He is easily offended by people and then holds a grudge forever. He has no sense of forgiveness, and yet, he tries to convert people to his religion at every turn. He carries his Bible with him and tells everyone about his church and how he wants to spread Christianity throughout the world. He has turned my children against his religion as they see him as the example and do not want to be like him.

As we were driving through these small towns and reading their signs this man came to mind as there were many messages that seemed unforgiving. I don’t get it.

I have never wanted my children to be afraid of God. It was a struggle when they were younger because unfortunately they were exposed to the man mentioned above way too much when Raymond first became ill. It was unavoidable. Fortunately, when we returned home we were able to find a church where the pastor did not scare them and now they understand about the other man having the wrong attitude, but they have not forgotten.

I am always receiving comments from people about how kind my children are to others. I think part of that kindness comes from having been exposed to a man that is not kind to others. So maybe it is a good thing they have not forgotten his attitude. May they remember it all their lives and strive not to be “Christian” like him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Raymond had a great deal to do with how wonderful your boys are!! He lives on...