Friday, July 31, 2009

Brings Up Feelings of Anger

I have been spending a lot of time lately with divorced women. This is new for me. Until fairly recently none of my friends were divorced, and I had never been around anyone that was divorced that was my age.

I don't know the nitty gritty of why these women got divorced, but it has become obvious that many of the are very bitter, mainly because the exes are not good about helping with the children.
I can understand their bitterness over lack of support, financially and emotionally, I am sure I would be out with the best of them fighting for my kids right in such a situation.

The problem I am having being around these women is that if fills me up with such anger over my boys and I losing Raymond. He was such a great father and husband, and he is gone, and these deadbeat dads are out running around and not taking care of their responsibilities.

It is just so wrong.

I will probably never get over the injustice of it all.

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