Friday, January 29, 2010

I Have Been Replaced

I have been replaced.  I am no longer the main woman in my oldest's life.  He has a serious girlfriend.

I like his girlfriend, and so does Loni, Mina, and BFF.  

I miss my time with my oldest, but I do find their relationship fascinating.

My oldest is Raymond in so many ways it is freaky for me at times. Now he is dating a girl that is so much like I was in college that I sometimes feel like I am watching myself on a date with Raymond. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in watching them when we are out that I go back in time and forget I am supposed to be participating in the evening.

Now my oldest does not see the any tie to me and his girlfriend, but as I told him, he did not know me back then and there are definite similarities, especially in the interaction between the two of them. 

I don't know where their relationship will end up, but right now he is very happy, and that is all that matters to me.

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