Friday, February 19, 2010


My boys did not fuss with each other growing up and they still don't. 

I cannot say the same about my "girls."  

It was "Survivor" night last night followed by the "Olympics."  The girls were "playing nice" until right before they left.  I know that L kept saying I saw what M did, but there were cushions in the way and I am short, so I am not sure.  Evidently there was a little tap or slap (depends on who you ask) and then the fussing.  It was all in good fun, but really interesting to me because I am not used to fussing.  After a few rounds of "I did not," "Yes, you did," I did what any good Mama does., I created a diversion with a question they had to answer. Worked like a charm, until they started out the door and I heard just a little fuss starting up.  I solved that fuss easy too...  I shut the door.


Unknown said...

I hope you know that we do that all the time; nothing serious, just the way that your girls interact. I luv my sissy and would not intentionally try to hurt her.

Loni said...

yes, we do it all the time and your boys are abnormal if they didn't fussbudget at one another :)

Cheryl said...

Yes my boys are abnormal and I love it. I love your fussy too. It is very cute. Just not something I am used to.