Monday, September 6, 2010

I Confess

I confess.   I am an Amazon stalker.  I must go to Amazon at least 3 times a day, usually more, and stalk the top 100 free Kindle books.  Today I found two I didn't  have that I was interested in.  Yesterday it was only one.  Some days I can find up to six.  What a high that is!

Are all of them great books? No.  I have found some terrific authors though and have gone back and ordered all the works of several authors because I liked them so much. 

Free books by authors unknown to me are also great for situations where I don't want to cozy up and read one of my favs.  Doctors offices, parking lots, dorm rooms, etc. are great places to try new authors.  There is usually just enough time for me to decide if I want to continue reading the book or delete it from the Kindle.

The great joy recently was being able to find out there were some books that you could pre-order that were free. I pre-ordered a free book by Jeffrey Archer, one of my favs, and it was so exciting when it downloaded.

I have already stalked the books this morning and plan to go back this afternoon and evening.  You just never know what you will find. 

Some may find my stalking sad, but I find it exhilarating.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Have you tried using the program Keychain Access? I have it on my computer (an Apple). If you can't use that, let me know. I'll see if I can come up w/ another program for you to use to remember all those pesky passwords for you!