Sunday, February 3, 2013

It Moved Again

The green cross moved again today.  

Earlier this morning I was rearranging the table with the cross and I actually placed small items around the cross to see if I could detect any other movement.  I spent most of the day in the room with the cross quilting, listening to music, paying bills on the computer, watching my shows, and reading.  Since the cross is on the tv stand, I see it whenever I use the computer or watch television. I kept checking the cross as I worked and it was still in place.  

Later this afternoon I decided to spend time dedicated to reading.  I was in the living room reading, music in the background and Facebook up on the television because I had been chatting with a friend.  At one point I had my head down for about 45 minute reading when my message noticed sounded.  I looked up to see what was on Facebook and that is when I noticed the cross had moved once again.  The little items I had placed around it were spread out, and the cross had was about 5 inches towards the edge of the table from where it had been and was hanging over the edge.  I put it back and surrounded it by more items.

I was gone most of the early evening, but when I came back nothing had moved.  I have no idea what is going on with that cross, but I still don't think it is a mouse or other critter.

Very odd.

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