Friday, May 8, 2009

What a Jerk

I just finished watching the Elizabeth Edwards interview with Oprah. I watched John Edwards during his campaign and my feelings about him ran hot and cold. Now I really think he is a jerk.

When Raymond and I were at MD Anderson I met so many people, male and female, who were alone because their spouse left when they found out about the cancer. So I admired him for standing by his wife, and how they had gotten through the death of their son, etc. Now the world knows he cheated. What a jerk!


Loni said...

I'd tend to agree there; he should have just pulled out of the race when his wife asked him to... and maybe less crap would have hit the fan.

Laurie said...

I remember how bubbly she used to be. Her eyes looked so sad while talking to Oprah. I think he is very manipulative to tell her about the affair only two days after announcing his run. Then when word that her cancer has returned, he had the perfect reason to bow out. My goodness, it wouldn't have gotten so much publicity if he was out of the race when the story leaked.