Thursday, August 23, 2007

Van Teen Talks

I discovered a long time ago that the best place to talk to my teens about sensitive subjects is the van. Sex, peer issues, or any other subjects that can bring embarrassment to either the boys or me is best discussed with my boys when they do not have to look right at me.

I try to be very open with my boys about sex and the consequences of premarital sex. I also talk to them about their responsibilities if they choose not to abstain until marriage. Sometimes what I say makes them scream. Sometimes the questions they ask make me want to bury my head in my arms and cry. However, since we are driving down the road, those options are not available, and we end up with an honest conversation.

Yesterday, circumstances allowed me to drive my oldest an hour back to school with just the two of us in the van, and we were able to have a private lunch together. We had a wonderful conversation, and yes, there was some discussion regarding personal relationships, but most of the discussion was about religions, and how did he see the afterlife. It was fascinating. I loved his view of things.

Since we were discussing the afterlife, we finally had a short discussion about Raymond. My boys do not discuss their father very much, and when they do it is usually a very funny memory. Yesterday, my oldest and I were able to briefly touch on Raymond, and I was able to answer a few questions for my son. It gave me hope that we will be able to discuss Raymond more and more as the boys deal with their grief.

I look forward to my next van ride with either or both of my boys.

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